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Doug 97 Sport

Hey my Name is Doug and im from Califon NJ and here is a list of all the things i have done on my truck (as of 6/3/05).

Lockright rear/ no-slip front
2" TT and Shackles
3" Bodylift
35x12.5r15 Pro Comp M/Ts on black wagon wheels
Atlas II 5:1
4.10s f/r
rancho shocks (currently the rear ones have both been ripped off.)
AALs/ Double AALs
Herculined rockers
Custom rocksliders
Flowmaster 50 series car back (Ripped off and currently sitting in the back of the truck)
Lightrack w/ hella 500s and KC daylighters
Backup lights.

Interior wise
Ripped out the carpet and herculined the floor
Cobra 29 cb & K40 Ant.
Hard Mounted my mag light and fire extinguisher
Pioneer deh-4400 HU
Pioneer something or other speakers in the doors a-5865 all around
Hand Throttle

Future plans
SAS somewhere sometime
Cut the body lift down to 1"
Half doors
Cut off roof/roll cage.
More trail damage. :D

And i think thats all she wrote
and of course some pics...


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    explorer stock 2.jpg
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wow your sport is so awsome, it is basicaly every thing that i want mine to eventually be.

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Why doesnt your truck work?

I second that reason..

How the hell'd you fit 35s under a 3 inch BL and TT/S?

Mr. Sawzall & fender flares and lack of caring.. Honestly though, alot of the 2nd gen sports, like BenS are able to run 35s simply by trimming some sheet metal.

Mr. Sawzall & fender flares and lack of caring.. Honestly though, alot of the 2nd gen sports, like BenS are able to run 35s simply by trimming some sheet metal.

That's about what I suspected. I'll stick to an attempt to get 33s under. Awesome truck Doug, you make me jealous.

Thanks, I gotta get it back from SVO so I can get it fixed up and wheeling again.

Why does SVO have it?

Why does SVO have it?

Doug & Jeff came to an agreement that Jeff would repair the truck while Doug was deployed overseas for, I believe, the 1354 manual transfer case. Unfortunately its still not fixed and Doug hasn't been able to pick it up. Doug if I fly to Tx, can I keep it? :D :D

ya know posession is 9/10ths of the law

Doug & Jeff came to an agreement that Jeff would repair the truck while Doug was deployed overseas for, I believe, the 1354 manual transfer case. Unfortunately its still not fixed and Doug hasn't been able to pick it up. Doug if I fly to Tx, can I keep it? :D :D

What needs repaired on it? Is Doug back in the USA?

Yeah he's back but hasn't been able to go TX to pickup tool. Damn army training getting in the way.. I think all it needs now is just driveshafts.

Thats not bad.. just driveshafts, he can get those at a junk yard or does it need special ones with the 35's?

Oh.. I didnt know he had an atlas.. I guess I should have looked at the mod list

Yes I have an atlas. One of these day's I'll pick up my truck but Jeff's and I schedules have been crazy and I haven't been able to pick my truck up yet. I put the atlas in before I deployed but Jeff is getting the driveshafts made for me. I'm hoping to pick my truck up at the end of the month, hopefully my driveshafts will be ready. I'd really like to do some wheeling this summer, it's been a LONG time since I've done any real wheeling. I really appreciate Jeff watching my truck while I've been gone. While I hope to get my truck back soon unfortunantly I'm deploying again to Iraq in November so I won't be able to enjoy it for to long. I hope to wheel the **** out of it this summer and get my jolly's before I deploy again for 15 months (thanks SecDef).

We're going to a part of this big push into Baghdad. The funny part is we already have our Cav battalion deployed, and one of the infantry battalion is also deploying soon. There is only going to be one infantry battalion left for the rest of us to deploy with. I'm in a light infantry unit and thats what we do, we deploy. :\

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yo doug whats happening any updates on if you picked up tool or any shots of that nice atlas 2 under that white Sport.
you still independent in the front with an atlas??
thats would be super hardcore.
what ratio you get for it 5to1??
