eBay rebuilt trannies? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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eBay rebuilt trannies?

Russ in CT

Well-Known Member
November 11, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Milford, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
Has anyone tried the eBay rebuilt Trannies? There seems to be two compaines doing it, one called RoadMaster (whereabouts unknown), and Phoenix Remanufactured Transmissions (of AZ of course).

Both are ~$800, including the TC, which seems a little too good to be true (the local shop wants over $2400 for the same thing, plus the cost to R/R it).

If anyone has done it, how did it work out?

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Overall I think the group experience is not stellar with E-Bay rebuilt trannies.

I got one from Phoenix Remanufactured Transmissions, I paid extra for kevlar clutches,transgo shift kit and high stall torque converter.
final price around $1200 plus shipping and - core charge.
No problems so far, the thing is with the A4LD you never know when they are going to go. Even if someone went through and "built it" I still would not fully trust the A4LD.

I got a 5 speed from Phoenix Remanufactured Transmissions a while back for my old 94 sport. It seemed well built. I put 10K miles on it before I sold the X. Didn't have a problem with it, or the company.

I also bought one from phoenix transmission almost 1 yr ago and so far i havn't had any problems with it mine is also a 5 speed

well so far several good endoresements for the online shops - Phoenix in particular! Nice to hear some feedback that is good.

Thanks guys, I'll be seriously considering going this route unless I can find someone locally that will do the whole job for under $2K.
