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Ebay sucks

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Explorer Addict
October 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yes eBay sucks ass, I purchased an alarm from this guy that that has an eBay store. I played for it with pay pal the same day, I won the alarm. He sends it out like a week later so I gave him bad feedback, saying slow shipping. Yesterday I got the alarm it doesn’t even have remotes in the box and half the wiring is missing. So I emailed him and he sends me this.

No sorry, the following applies.

Feedback Policy
Please remember to leave us a positive feedback on eBay! Once we receive
your feedback, our automated feedback system will leave you a same positive
feedback in return immediately. Take this opportunity to build your feedback
score! =)

If for any reason you are unable to leave us a positive feedback, PLEASE
CONTACT US FIRST! Please do NOT leave a negative feedback. Leaving negative
feedback does not solve anything. Simply send us an email and we will work
with you to resolve the problem in your satisfaction. If you leave us a negative
or neutral feedback, you will receive:
3) NO CUSTOMER SERVICE (including answer any questions you have regarding
the product)

I did contact him asking if there was a tracking # and where this was. He wrote back with
“No tracking #”.
I filed a claim with eBay they referred me to pay pal, so I filed a claim with them to. So we will see what pay pal does if anything.

Pic #1 what I was supposed to get Pic#2 & 3 are what I got.

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Sorry about that. He's a real SOB. All I know is that I never buy any stuff from people that have that policy about feedbacks. So far I've been very lucky. My feedback is %100 and most of that has been selling. I feel like emailing that dude and saying I would never buy anything from you after reading your post.
Good Luck.

WTF? That does not even look like the same alarm.

Did you file a dispute with eBay? http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?InrCreateDispute

I filed one when a guy sent me used splashguards, when he pictured new ones. He wanted me to pay return shipping, but I stated that why should I trust you when you misled me? Swapped emails back and forth, with nothing solved. He stated getting hostile, so I filed a dispute, just to take him over the top. At this point, I could care less, but wanted to give him as much possible headache. My dispute never led to anything, but it got him all sorts of fired up :D

He left "profanity" in my feedback, but I reported that, and it got removed :D along with any other profanity that he left for anyone else :D

Yes i filed a repot with paypal and ebay. and yes its not about the $ its the headache I can give this sob. Oh and i have his name and # so i will be calling him today.

Question from jaxdog_5139
jaxdog_5139( 2)
Positive feedback: 66.7%
Member since: Nov-12-06
Location: CA, United States
Registered on: www.ebay.com

Item: New Car Alarm System W/Cental locking And Starter Kill (140060842323)
This message was sent after the listing closed.
jaxdog_5139 is the winner.

I purchased an alarm system from you on eBay Item number: 140060842. The system I purchased New Car Alarm System W/Central locking And Starter Kill. What i got isn't at all like the one in the pic and isn't all there. It has no remotes and some of the wireing is missing. If we got off on the wrong foot I am sorry. Please send me the right alarm system and can I get your address to send this one back to you thank you.

Chris Griffin

Responce to this question is as fallows.

No sorry, the following applies.

Feedback Policy
Please remember to leave us a positive feedback on ebay! Once we receive
your feedback, our automated feedback system will leave you a same positive
feedback in return immediately. Take this opportunity to build your feedback
score! =)

If for any reason you are unable to leave us a positive feedback, PLEASE
CONTACT US FIRST! Please do NOT leave a negative feedback. Leaving negative
feedback does not solve anything. Simply send us an email and we will work
with you to resolve the problem in your satisfaction. If you leave us a negative
or neutral feedback, you will receive:
3) NO CUSTOMER SERVICE (including answer any questions you have regarding
the product)

I won't buy from someone with out 97% or higher feedback unless it is bs feedback.

I've met my share of crooks on EBay (including their EBay stores). Don't expect EBay, or Paypal to be too helpful. They are only out to make money, and couldn't care less about the amount of bad transactions which happen everyday. If EBay decides to help you, they will pocket $25 for themselves (this is in addition to their profit on the sale, and listing fees). They ask for a lot of unnecessary paperwork which they already have, and only accept documents which are mailed at your expense (no faxes, or emails). Paypal, and EBay keep throwing you back, and forth. I've tried Squaretrade in the past, and it only worked once (it was some foreign guy which probably thought the US government was after him). Some guys don't answer emails from Paypal, Squaretrade, or EBay. When this happens, their accounts get suspended, then they sign up again under a new name (most of the time these guys already have several names they go under just in case one fails). I'm sorry to sound so negative about this, but I'm telling you the way it is (I got screwed many times so I have lots of experience)!

He sends it out like a week later so I gave him bad feedback
Ummm, am I going to be the only one to say WTF did you expect? Even IF the other guy was screwing you (and from the pictures it seems he was), you NEVER leave negative feedback before giving the seller an opportunity to make things right. That's just basic business on or off the net.

No matter what the other guy did, your leaving a negative was a final action which left him no reason at all to do anything for you.

The guy already started off with a low percentage of positive feedback. They should make some rule that if somebody had less than 75% positive feedback (some people even have a (-%) they should get automatically kicked off. Some guys which are power sellers get over 100 positive feedback, and 40 negative feedbacks per day. Think of the amount of profit they, EBay, and Paypal make in any given day. Why would EBay throw them off when they pull in more profit per day than a regular guy does?

I left the neg feedback after he shipped it. oh and i am jaxdog_5139 with the 66.7 feedback rating because this guy has given me neg feedback. I have never sold anything on ebay just purchased stuff there.

I think ebay should have a feedback system so that the feedback isn't revealed until both parties submit theirs. That way buyers and sellers can honestly review the other.

I bought a cell phone from a guy in which the auction listing said expedited shipping, with a buy it now. It was a multiple item listing, he had 8 identical phones. It was a ten day listing, and I bought my phone in the first two days. I waited a week, still no phone. I contacted him, and he said that he hadn't shipped it yet, that he would ship all the phones from that listing when it was over. I wrote him back and basically said WTF? He shipped the following monday FedEx express and I got it on Tues or Wed. I think that is a sorry way to do business, and would like to leave him negative feedback, but I know if I do, he will do the same for me, so I am not going to do anything.

That is why they need a hidden system. But, they won't do that because so many people will have bad feedback, sales will slow until customer service improves on the part of the seller.

Cgriffin- Ideally, you should have contacted the seller before leaving negative feedback, and allowed them to remedy the situation. I made a similar error my first few times on ebay, and now have one neg feedback as a result. If the seller refuses to remedy the situation, leave negative feedback carefully worded. Thats JMO, btw you can do what you want.

Evan i did contact him first to ask him for a tracking # he said there wanst one so i just thought he mailed it in the post office. It turns out he never mailed it untill a week later i got a tracking # from him then. thats why i left bad feedback and then i got this:

Responce to this question is as fallows.

No sorry, the following applies.

Feedback Policy
Please remember to leave us a positive feedback on ebay! Once we receive
your feedback, our automated feedback system will leave you a same positive
feedback in return immediately. Take this opportunity to build your feedback
score! =)

If for any reason you are unable to leave us a positive feedback, PLEASE
CONTACT US FIRST! Please do NOT leave a negative feedback. Leaving negative
feedback does not solve anything. Simply send us an email and we will work
with you to resolve the problem in your satisfaction. If you leave us a negative
or neutral feedback, you will receive:
3) NO CUSTOMER SERVICE (including answer any questions you have regarding
the product)

I guess even it it came incomplete, you still got something. I once bought a lock, and never got it. EBay, and Paypal played a lot of games with me, and eventually sent me $5.87! They pocketed $25 for their "trouble", and lied to me by saying that they couldn't give me more since the seller had insufficient funds in their account. I have a thread about this incident: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=160036

Ok so I just called this retard and he starts apologizing to me and kissing my ass he is sending me one out Tuesday. Well i learned my lesson no more ebay for me.

I wouldn't quit ebay, I am able to buy quite a bit of stuff way cheaper on there. You just have to do your research on the seller, check feedback comments for hints of pour service even if they are positive. It takes a little time, but I think its worth the effort.

I left the neg feedback after he shipped it. oh and i am jaxdog_5139 with the 66.7 feedback rating because this guy has given me neg feedback. I have never sold anything on ebay just purchased stuff there.

Sorry about that & his is one of the bs feedbacks I exclude as mentioned above.

It is a skewed system because if you have little feedback and some jerk is bent out of shape over something stupid it makes you look bad.

Yeah I will have to do more research when buying there! It looks like the problem is solved on this. I will let you know how it turns out thanks for letting me vent my frustrations. Boston here I come. Woot Woot.

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I've had bad transactions with people who have only 2 negative feedbacks, so it's very hard to determine who is a good seller. A high negative count isn't a good thing, but sometimes these people have a lot of positives from friends bidding on their merchandise (and themselves with multiple accounts). Some people don't answer questions before or after the transaction. I've had numerous people lie (including some contractor claiming to retire, and must liquidate his so called "new, never used tools". That guy advertised new tools, then shipped damaged ones which were beaten up, and counterfit. I got the Attorney General, Hitachi, EBay, Paypal, and Squaretrade after this guy, and EBay only sent me part of the money back. After the transaction, people on EBay sent me emails telling me that the tools were not made by Hitachi, and had phoney labels. They turned out to be used, damaged, no name brand, made in China cheap tools he was selling at a high profit margin. EBay promised me that they would look into it, but couldn't disclose any details due to privacy. That was EBay's way of brushing me off. He made $5k in the following 3 months after he ripped me off. I'm sure he ripped other people off the same way during that time period.

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