ebrake / parking brake tightening | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ebrake / parking brake tightening


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2004
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City, State
Denver, Co
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac
Howdy everyone-

I remember doing it on my 96 explorer, and I remember it being extremely easy to find and do-- But I"m having the toughest time finding how to tighten the ebrake on my sport trac.

On my 96 sport, I remember there being a slot on the back of the rotor that I slid a flathead screwdriver into, and was able to spin a small star-nut, which tightened the brake with every click.

Is that not how it's done anymore? What am I missing?

searching the forum didn't help a whole lot

Thanks :)


lmao - it was the rubber cover step I was missing - didn't realize it was a removable plug.

Got the plug removed, and tightened the star-adjuster ~12 clicks on both sides. Seems to be working great now.

SWShawaii to the rescue again!
