Ed China quits Wheeler Dealers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ed China quits Wheeler Dealers


Explorer Addict
September 2, 2011
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I just learned that Edd China has quit the British automotive TV show Wheeler Dealers. He's the only reason I watched this show. I typically DVR the show, just so I can skip over Mike Brewer's segments. Apparently Ed quit because Velocity is taking over production of the show and wants to cut out the parts of the show where Edd would show how to actually fix something, because it's to time consuming to film. I guess we'll get more substance-free automotive shows like Fast n Loud with that a-hole Richard Rawlins, snorting tequila up his nose, yelling "get you some of this, woooo!" Too bad, I'll miss watching Wheeler Dealers. Maybe Edd will start his own spin-off...

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Discovery used to be one of my favorite channels. Seems after "Rides" and "Overhaulin" with Chip Foose, everything went downhill. Now Rawlins has another series called "Garage Rehab" that is a blatant rip off of one of my favorite, and surprisingly good reality shows called "The Profit" with Marcus Lemonis on CNBC. Seems the fall started with the the biggest a-hole, Jesse James "Outlaw Garage", followed by the predictable and constant fighting on American Chopper. Now there's "Street Outlaws", "Misfit Garage", "Diesel Brothers", "Vegas Rat Rods", etc. Then you have the History Channel, National Geographic, and many others with equally staged and scripted garbage. Sometimes believe we were better off with roof top antennas and three major networks. Rant over.

Not to be a jerk, but Mr. China spells his first name Edd....

From seeing the promos with Ant Anstead, the new "Wheeler Dealers" looks like it may be good.
New series Oct. 4th.

Discovery used to be one of my favorite channels. Seems after "Rides" and "Overhaulin" with Chip Foose, everything went downhill. Now Rawlins has another series called "Garage Rehab" that is a blatant rip off of one of my favorite, and surprisingly good reality shows called "The Profit" with Marcus Lemonis on CNBC. Seems the fall started with the the biggest a-hole, Jesse James "Outlaw Garage", followed by the predictable and constant fighting on American Chopper. Now there's "Street Outlaws", "Misfit Garage", "Diesel Brothers", "Vegas Rat Rods", etc. Then you have the History Channel, National Geographic, and many others with equally staged and scripted garbage. Sometimes believe we were better off with roof top antennas and three major networks. Rant over.

Then there was American Hot Rod, who was one of the first of the car shows with absurd deadlines. Now most of the shows do the same thing. If I was having a $100,000+ car built for me I'd want it done right, not fast.

And lets not forget Graveyard Cars, Though that show has improved a lot since they got rid of that jerk Darrel and "long turd" Rose. I also think I like the new show better because of his daughter being on the show. She's rather easy on the eyes.

One of the newer car shows I rather like is Iron Resurrection. They do some nice work and have some real craftsmen there. The owner's wife isn't too hard to look at either... hmmm, seeing a pattern here?

I just learned that Edd China has quit the British automotive TV show Wheeler Dealers. He's the only reason I watched this show. I typically DVR the show, just so I can skip over Mike Brewer's segments. Apparently Ed quit because Velocity is taking over production of the show and wants to cut out the parts of the show where Edd would show how to actually fix something, because it's to time consuming to film. I guess we'll get more substance-free automotive shows like Fast n Loud with that a-hole Richard Rawlings, snorting tequila up his nose, yelling "get you some of this, woooo!" Too bad, I'll miss watching Wheeler Dealers. Maybe Edd will start his own spin-off...

I just saw the last few episodes of WD and saw that the mechanic guy (didn't know his name) was changing. I agree that the most interesting part of the show was the actual working and fixing something. Hopefully the new version is watchable.

I was by the original Gas Monkey garage here in Dallas a few times but never saw Rawlins there. Its off Harry Hines Blvd - real hole in the wall in a seedy area of town. Really small outfit that probably was more hype than goods. His first claim to fame was breaking the Cannonball Run record in 2007. There is a new Gas Monkey location somewhere else. He now owns a restaurant/concert venue in town and a restaurant in DFW airport. Turned his personality into stardom rather than actually producing something. I don't begrudge him that at all, but I can see where he could be a real class A a-hole. He does a lot of local TV stuff along with the national gig he got with Dodge? maybe GM?

The auto show I really like is Fantom Works with Dan Short. The guy really knows cars and runs a tight shop. Plus he seems to understand the connection that people have to their cars, whether its a '65 Mustang or an AmphiCar (which they recently restored.) And he can actually WORK on a car.

I seen there was a new guy on the show, but I didn't leave it on the channel to watch it.

Edd China was the main reason I watched the show. He seemed to know what he was doing, regardless of what they were working on. Cut out the ¼ of the show where Mike buys and sells, and the rest is Edd wrenching and working.

I just saw the last few episodes of WD and saw that the mechanic guy (didn't know his name) was changing. I agree that the most interesting part of the show was the actual working and fixing something. Hopefully the new version is watchable.

I was by the original Gas Monkey garage here in Dallas a few times but never saw Rawlins there. Its off Harry Hines Blvd - real hole in the wall in a seedy area of town. Really small outfit that probably was more hype than goods. His first claim to fame was breaking the Cannonball Run record in 2007. There is a new Gas Monkey location somewhere else. He now owns a restaurant/concert venue in town and a restaurant in DFW airport. Turned his personality into stardom rather than actually producing something. I don't begrudge him that at all, but I can see where he could be a real class A a-hole. He does a lot of local TV stuff along with the national gig he got with Dodge? maybe GM?

The auto show I really like is Fantom Works with Dan Short. The guy really knows cars and runs a tight shop. Plus he seems to understand the connection that people have to their cars, whether its a '65 Mustang or an AmphiCar (which they recently restored.) And he can actually WORK on a car.

The location of the original Gas Monkey shop is now home to Misfit Garage. They started out being a couple of guys that had gotten fired from Gas Monkey. They believe they're going to be the next Gas Monkey, but I doubt that very much. The best part of watching that show is watching their screw ups, like loosing a freshly painted pickup cab off their trailer on the highway.

I forgot about Fantom Works. I agree, that's a good show. A car show I just cant's watch (I can't think of the name of it, something like League of Craftsmen or something?) appears to be filmed in Canada and is the one with the evil emperor from Star Wars and his mega-buck business partner. Their head mechanic is very knowledgeable and they produce some nice work, but the owners are totally unlikable.

Nowadays nearly all of the so called "reality shows" are all about the drama rather than substance. I guess that's what people want to see.
