EE 5.0L super charger kit pictures | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EE 5.0L super charger kit pictures

Me and another local explorer nut are wanting to put super coupe super chargers on are 5.0 explorers. Mainly because I am a super coupe nut and have like 5 blowers laying around. Any ways we are going to start fabing up some parts to start putting the blowers on are EXs. So what I am looking for is some good pics of the EE kit so we can have something to go off of.

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if you like, tell me what angles you want, and i can shoot you some pics. just so you know however, the EE m90 is a little different from the m90's from the thunderbirds.

Right now I would take what ever photos I could get. One photo I have yet to see is one form the back of the motor by the bypass valve with the super charger installed. Thanks for the heads up on the super charger. It is a super coupe m90 but it just has a different snout on it. I know bbk was welling the smaller snout but I don't know if they sill do.

remember.... Y O U asked for it

need more, or of a certain spot, let me know, and i will see if i can get a shot

VroomZoomBoom you are the man. Thanks that helps a ton. Also thanks zac for the link. I have been talking to EE to see if they will start making the kits again. They told me they stopped making them because there was not a demand for them.

VroomZoomBoom you are the man. Thanks that helps a ton. Also thanks zac for the link. I have been talking to EE to see if they will start making the kits again. They told me they stopped making them because there was not a demand for them.

I probably would have bought one of the EE kits too but they are rare to find and most likely used. Also they ran about 4k.
I was lucky to find a new Powerdyne BD-11A kit for half that.
The JBL kit in my opinion is a good deal and allows you to use a larger s/c aka M-112 or M-122.
Just my two cents...
Good luck with your project:)

VroomZoomBoom you are the man. Thanks that helps a ton. Also thanks zac for the link. I have been talking to EE to see if they will start making the kits again. They told me they stopped making them because there was not a demand for them.

when i talked to dave, he had told me it was because eaton stopped making a new m90, but ether way, i dont blame them. after all, how may people are really wanting to supercharge a 5L explorer that was last produced over 10 years ago? as for that other "kit" i would never buy one of those. have read way to may people snapping off snouts shafts, or getting blowers that were warped or wiped out, and never hearing from the kid again.

That good to know.

when i talked to dave, he had told me it was because eaton stopped making a new m90, but ether way, i dont blame them. after all, how may people are really wanting to supercharge a 5L explorer that was last produced over 10 years ago? as for that other "kit" i would never buy one of those. have read way to may people snapping off snouts shafts, or getting blowers that were warped or wiped out, and never hearing from the kid again.

Damn, that sucks... The kit looks good and only $1200 for everything?? Crazy.

Here are a couple pics of the EE kit with the blower off...





Subscribed from the dead.. Lots of useful pics, thank you.

Please tell me you haven't given up on this.. and that no body has posted recently because you are feverishly working to complete this with even more pics using the 3.8 M90..?

Can you repost these please? They are all of the same picture now
like donalds said. report this thread as multiple pictures. tbh, i cant even remember what pictures i posted, and if i still have them because that supercharger is long gone

Looks like he already fixed it. Thanks guys!
