EE lower billet grille questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EE lower billet grille questions

rocket 5979

Resident Gearhead
April 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake Villa, Illinois
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT 4.6
Ok i just got done installing my upper billet grille from EE today and wondered why they didnt send me the lower to it. Well it turns out that as of a month ago they dont offer the lower parts anymore. So i was wondering if anyone knew of a similar piece that has the same brushed finish and bar design and spacing as the EE billet upper does. It doesn look complete with just the upper, and i dont want to have to buy another upper just to cut out a section for the lower part. Anyone got any suggestions????

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Hmmm, the lower billets from Precision or Carriage Works should be similar, but it won't match up perfectly. I'm about ready to sell my EE billet grill.

Why you selling it? Do you have a lower grille?

I don't have the lower portion. I'm probably going to sell it because I don't like the exposed edges. I'm gonna get one where the bars go behind the grill, to me that looks cleaner. I got the EE grill in the first place because I didn't want to cut the grill shell, but I'm not afraid to cut now. ;)

Well heck if i would have known that the cutouts looked better i woud have gotten that one. But since i already have this one i am going to stick with it for a while.
