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Electric impact wrench

I didn't know where to post this but I was wondering if anybody ever bought Kobalt electric impact wrenches. I don't have air and am not really looking into getting a compressor. I found a Kobalt at Lowes. It has 420 ft. lbs. max torque, comes with a case and set of CrV impact sockets (at least they're black). Are these any good for $140? The Dewalt was $180 but only rated at 345 lbs of torque. Or, is there another brand/model that's good quality?


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I think I just answered my own question. I compared photos of the Kobalt and one sold at Harbor Freight. Except for color, they look completely identical.

With the same specs?

I had a chance to use a snap on. I was skeptical about an electric. I was certain it would be weak, after all it was cordless.

Umm, it was about the best tool I have held. Pull the trigger and it seems like it only uses the power it needs, and, always has what you need. I want one. It busted every nut and bolt on my trucks suspension one handed. popopaaaw zip

strength + battery powered = costly tool.
The lower the prive the lower the strength and longevity.

Kobalt tools are Lowe's house-brand. Most of the stuff I've seen or tried of theirs was very nice, I'd compare the warranty between HF and Lowe's for that same tool, even if they look the same, the internals may be better quality than in the HF version.

They are getting better, I'm sure the high end stuff is great, as Jon said. Nice gifts too, Sears has a bunch of them;

Sears has a slick new 12v line(Nextec) of very small lithium ion battery tools. I've had the tiny hand held rotary grinder, the battery life is amazing. This next week there are new tools like that on sale.

I'd like to have the very small 1/4" impact driver with the 12v LI battery. It's about $90 but with over 70lbs.ft. of torque(850in.lbs.) it could handle most medium jobs.

i used to work with a guy who had a makita 3/8 one... was a verry nice electric impact. used to steal it from him all the time

i have a corded one,1/2 inch drive, it works good, mine is a mastercraft brand, from Canadian tire, ,
one problem is,, it can be misleading,, you think , oh it's not that tight,, lol, try to get it back off with a long bar,, sometimes it isn't happening,,
