Elite Explorer Sale 4 years for price of 2!! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer Sale 4 years for price of 2!!

Thanks to everyone who has taken advantage of this offer:chug:

Just a reminder, this offer will expire tonight. Get in on it while you can!

Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
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I dont have paypal so I am going to put a check in the mail for you.

Help!I'm locked out of your offer.

I've been tryingto take advantage of your 4 years for $40 since last night.I click on the stimulus offer.I check the price,(4 years for $40),I click on order,and then I get .......nothing......until I eventually see something about an"invalid currency" I have a paypal account so payment won't be a problem if I ever get a chance.HELP!Steve

No idea why it's not working for you...

You can send $40 to ab7fh@yahoo.com just be sure to put your username into the box where you can leave a message to the seller. If you do it that way I'll have to set it up manually so it won't kick in immediately.

Check is in the mail for me

Thanks to all who joined the Elites or extended their subscriptions:chug:

The offer is now over accept for those with a check in the mail.:thumbsup:

I just squeaked in before the deadline!

Thanks, Rick.

Um Rick, could you please fix my status. My screen name is red now--

I think he's trying to tell you something, Jonny. :p:

Id send him a pm but my pm box is also messed up. Could someone do me a favor and send him a pm --

I guess my paypal payment went through and changed my status

NO Jon thats on purpose.. :D

Id send him a pm but my pm box is also messed up. Could someone do me a favor and send him a pm --

I guess my paypal payment went through and changed my status

