ELITE EXPLORER SIGN UP & RENEWAL SPECIAL OFFER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I'm bringing this offer back for the weekend!!

If you become an Elite Explorer from 8-19-2005 to 8-22-2005 I will include 1 extra year membership for free. That's 2 years for $30.00.

If you renew your Elite Explorer membership today I will give you 2 years for the price of 1.

For information about the benefits of becoming an Elite Explorer member and to sign up Click Here

To renew your Elite Explorer membership Click Here

Thanks for your support!


Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
Elite Explorer members see no advertisements, no banner ads, no double underlined links,.
Add an avatar, upload photo attachments, and more!

Great offer Rick. Hopefully that'll boost our elite membership. Come on everybody. Has this site helped you out? If so just consider it a donation to pay for the cost of running this site. This forum eats a considerable amount of bandwidth and is running on a fast server compared to other sites like http://www.pirate4x4.com.

note: How about we make this a system wide announcement so its seen in every forum. I know there are a few members who go into specific forums.

Rick as usual I will renew with you in Moab :)

:chug: :chug: rick, pm'd ya as my paypal is currently messed up.

Done :thumbsup:


RENEWED!! for the next 2 years...woohoo! thanx rick! :thumbsup:

So far we've had 4.5 renewals and 0 new Elites:eek:

The .5 renewal is a member who's sending a check :D

Renewed. I tried to "give" more than 10 bucks, but it won't let you change it.

Thanks in the future should you want to make a donation you can use my rick@explorerforum.com account at PayPal.

Renewed! Thanks Rick!

Quick question: Should I have put my user name in the comments box so you know who's paying you?

I am glad my check was delayed now. Got it yesterday. 1 new elite member guys. :thumbsup:

Wonder how long it will take for paypal to get my money to Rick now. :p


Would have done it sooner if I had been advised that it was due; is there a listing somewhere of those who need to renew?

I wish I did Al. New registrations and renewals are being entered into a system which will let me see who expires when. Old registrations from 2000 - January of this year are not in a system at all. They are just emails that I have to dig through.

So... if you joined in 2000 and never paid for a renewal... this would be a good time ;)

Done. Wasn't sure if I was due or not (I think I am) so I went ahead and did it. Thanks Rick!

EDIT: coming from stretch@cablemo.net

Gotcha, thanks :D

Join the Elite Explorers for $20 each year.
Elite Explorer members see no advertisements, no banner ads, no double underlined links,.
Add an avatar, upload photo attachments, and more!

just sent paypal!! Finally, I will be elite!! :D :D :D
