Engine swap for the Pumpkin | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine swap for the Pumpkin

I found a Toyota Prius that had been rear ended. I am going to swap in the electric motor and batteries to create the first Electric Explorer rock crawler :exporange:thumbsup: No more dino fluid changes, or having to fill up with petroleum byproduct.

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Prius, Prius C, or Prius V?

Personally, I think taking a Telsa Model S with dual motors, and lifting it for 44's would be wild!

The Prius "Ex".

Yes, a Tesla on 44s would be great :D

Take it up to the Rubicon, turn on the "Auto drive" and let'er rip ;)

Its good to see some outside the box thinking! I'm about to wrap up my turbo LS swap in my Explorer but the little details and plumbing are taking so long. I've been keeping it under wraps and will have a writeup soon!

Thats it I'm taking the body off my work van and transplanting it to a 2nd gen explorer.

gas, gas, gas. I typed petroleum byproduct using a three letter word for fart.

Cutting edge thinking, but I predict you'll change your mind by tomorrow.

Good t see Rick still has his sense of humor.

Perhaps the site should get renamed Prius Explorations. The Aztec Explorations thing really did not catch on.

Good t see Rick still has his sense of humor.

Perhaps the site should get renamed Prius Explorations. The Aztec Explorations thing really did not catch on.

That's my most memorable April's first on here. It had me all screwed up for a strong 10 minutes that day.

On a side note I was really hoping to see a V8 swap when I clicked on the thread :(

okay, i get it,, i had a bad april fools, but this helped,,,



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I like the "Serious Equestrians", but it wouldn't work. That's an Amish buggy, and since the Old Order Amish don't have electricity, they have no internet.

thats pretty cool, a few years back I helped a guy out with trans control on an electric motor, he re-spun an electric forklift motor for his car and used a 2003 crown vic ecu to control a 4r70w, was pretty interesting

good luck with the setup, be sure to post pics and a time slip when you take it to the track lol
