Englishtown, NJ Swap Meet & Auto Show: April 18-20, 2008 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Englishtown, NJ Swap Meet & Auto Show: April 18-20, 2008

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Unlike Carlisle, I don't think you have to have a club name to register for the Englishtown show. No offense to FTW, but I don't want anything to do wit 'em. I'll be next to Matt, wherever he ends up parking!

Well RAWR! Guess I'll just have to suck it up and park there anyway :p:

Alright, last call - are we doing this as a DJOR group? If we are, we need to get it moving. If not, I'm gonna join up with FTW and mail my form in the next few days.

spas, you can register with FTW and you'll be straight across the track from matt, FTW CTW and DTW all have parking spots blocked off for people with the group and only people with the group, if you guys want a DJOR only area you have to get in touch with whoever runs the show, other wise you will have to park with whatever class your truck fits into, like i said everyone from this site is welcome to park with the members of fordtruckworld.com, just write TEN- ford truck world on the registration form and get me a head count so i can let the right people know as soon as possible

Pete, whats the "TEN" for?

i think it stands for Truck Enthusiast Network, just part of the club name they want written down on the form, FTW, CTW, DTW, harley zone, mustang life and some other forums are all part of TEN

OK, gotcha. Where on the form would I put this, I don't see room. Also, what category would I check for my rig on the right side?

Sorry, noob questions. :rolleyes:

the instructions i have from my chapter prez. say put it on top of the category you are picking, i would just make sure its good and visible, its so you get counted toward the club participation award

hey if were not doing a DJOR can I also be in with the FTW? Also the deadline for mailing in the form for a discount is passed so i would just show up and pay on that saturday unless you need me to put in a form to go with FTW? Thanks.:thumbsup:

Well, I think it would be cool to go as DJOR, but it's prolly too late to get spots aside for a group.

everyone here is invited to join FTW, it is fine if you register at the gate (im registering at the gate) but you just have to let me know for sure so i can get a head count to my chapter president and he can make sure we have enough spots blocked off for the group

i think it would be great if a bunch of you guys went as a DJOR group, im just extending this invitation in case its too late for you all to get parking spots blocked off

With my new plans for lifting the Mountaineer, I'll show up day of, but maybe not with the Mountaineer for show.

so whats the good word guys and gals?

you can count me as a spot for FTW please. I don't think the whole DJOR group is happening:rolleyes:

sure thing andy, spas and paraphoe, you all want in too? just let me know

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Guess I don't have much choice, lol. Sure, count me in for a spot if you'd be so kind. Thanks!
