Exhaust Leak 2nd Cat / Muffler Pipe | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust Leak 2nd Cat / Muffler Pipe


Well-Known Member
August 9, 2003
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City, State
Ludlow, Massachusetts
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Sport
Anyone ever have this flange rot out? My pipe coming out of the 2nd cat has a flange that attaches to the muffler. Well, the flange is rotted out, I can seperate the two pieces with my hand. How do I go about fixing this? Seems flange part on the muffler side slips over the pipe. No way to clamp it down. Or is a component rotted / missing?

Flange here is rotted, }----Muffler can be moved out of the way by hand. 2 bolts with springs at flange.


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thier is a lead an wire gasket seal that goes in between them around 10 bucks with 2 new bolts an springs
any auto store should have it . with out a picture to see thats all the help i can offer ya

If it's the flange on the cat thats rotted, you are probably looking at needing an exhaust shop to weld on a new flange for you. The other option is a new cat assembly, which is about $200 since it comes as an assembly with both cats.

Got it done for $60. The flange that connects the muffler to the cat was rotted. Got a new pipe connection, 2 U bolts, new gasket, and a 2" pipe connector. Then saz-alled the old flange bolts off. Then cut the pipe from the muffler to cat about 2" away from the muffler. Cut the new pipe about 2", then the connector had to be sawed 1" both ends. Hook the whole thing up took about an hour & 1 pint of blood.

Thanks All

Exhaust Leak 2nd/Cat Muffler Pipe

So you can buy the pipe from the Cat to the Muffler? Same thing happened to mine. I am in Mass too so it must be the road salt and cheap steel. Were the nuts welded to the cat flange? I cant tell mine are all rusted.

Got it done for $60. The flange that connects the muffler to the cat was rotted. Got a new pipe connection, 2 U bolts, new gasket, and a 2" pipe connector. Then saz-alled the old flange bolts off. Then cut the pipe from the muffler to cat about 2" away from the muffler. Cut the new pipe about 2", then the connector had to be sawed 1" both ends. Hook the whole thing up took about an hour & 1 pint of blood.

Thanks All

i just did this 2 mine except i bought a whole new system from the heads back. the pipe hes talking about is a straight one going from the cut cat to the cut muffler pipe. you need the 2in pipe as a reducer from the cat. the nuts on the cat flange arent welded but probably rusted on now. when i tried to turn mine the whole cat flange just fell apart so i got an air cutter and chopped them off. if you do it walters way you just saw off the whole thingon both side and use the new pipe to bridge them.

Yep... sawsall does wonders on muffler jobs! God Bless the guy who came up with that tool.


same thing happened to me. i didnt even think of trying to just fix it. i just bought a new cat for $175 (after shipping and taxes) and a new muffler and ill bolt it up myself.
