Exhaust? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I have a 98 mountaineer 5.0 AWD. What kind of exhaust can I get? I would prefer duals, possibly headers later on. I just want a good bump in HP, quiet but better sound, and quality pieces. I liked my magnaflow exhaust on my GT. Any recommendations? This is my wife's car so I would like something quiet, but with a good tone.

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get a queit flowmaster suv series... it will be noticeable and loud if she romps on the skinny pedal, but isnt too bad from what i have heard when casual driving....

Flowmaster 70 series might be what you need. I'm not sure if they make a dual in/dual out 70 series tho. Mine is a dual in/dual out 50 series but that might be a bit too loud for your wife. I have some sound clips of that muffler on a 5.0. If you want to hear it just send me your email.

;) :D ;) TRRUUUUUUST me on this one. Get the 40 series it is the most quietest one;) :D ;) lol. Man would the wife be crappin her pants when she got on the gas with that exhaust. My friend still has been too afraid to get on the gas past 3000 rpms because she is afraid of the truck and how loud it is. Mine sure wouldnt be a good family vehicle anymore. I guess we will just have to buy a minivan or something for the family car. lol.

I wish I could do the flowmasters, but I think it would be too loud. I am thinking along the lines of magnaflows for their performance, and I know they are one of the quieter mufflers according to a recent test in MM&FF magazine. I would want dual exhaust if anything, for the looks. Is it possible? Do I need to change the mid pipe with the cats? Do I need headers? Does anyone have a pic of their exhaust set up? Any recommendations on a mid pipe and/or headers?

In the "MORE PICS" link in my sig there are some pics of my dual exhaust setup in Explorer album 2.

I have dual flowmaster 40s... I don't think it's loud enough.

i have a single dual in dual out magnaflow on my 5.0. its pretty loud from idle to 3000, but quieter up top. its just a drone. prob because i have 3.5 inch tips and 2.5 inch piping. if i were you, id do a 2.25 inch piping, with 3 inch tips.

Yeah the drone with her is more annoying than anything, so something with minimal drone would be nice. And if I do dauls, I want the pipes to come straight out the back, not pointed down if possible. What about side pipes like the Roush?

dual in dual out magnaflow here and it sounds great. mine is dumped right after the muffler which i don't think she'd like much- but i recommend this muffler for your dual out the back set-up and its available in stainless.

also, this is my third aftermarket exhaust set-up so i do have a pretty good idea of what sounds right and works. i've used flowmaster 50, and 40 at different times on this truck.

Can you post a link to that catback so I can get some more info and pics? I like magnaflow. That is what I have on my stang. I like the SS.

i have the SS magnaflow dual in dual out 2.5 both. with 3.5 inch tips. i think you should get the SS dual in dual out, and just get 2.25 inch piping all the way to the back and maybe some 2.5 or 3 inch tips. straight out would be easier for the bender because they had to bend mine up, and then down to get the angled tip look. check out my webpage link on the bottom and look at my truck.
