Explorer brake controller? | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer brake controller?

Post number 2 has been selected as best answered.

^^ Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Just remember that the max you can tow with an aftermarket hitch is 3000 lb. Not sure if anyone has the wiring diagrams for a 2021 but I'm guess a 2020 might be the same.


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I know this is the 2020 explorer thread, but I confirmed the wiring harness is in the same location on my 2021 Platinum (above the lower airbag and below the steering column). I was able to attach the brake control cable with only removing the plastic cover under the steering wheel. I remove four screws to do so- two are easy to spot toward the seat, but there is another one behind the pedals and a fourth to the right of the accelerator going into the center console. The picture attached is only showing the plastic cover I removed; refer to previous photos for the plug itself- it was in the same location described as the 2020 and pointing towards the center console


The brake controller fits nicely in the fuse compartment and don’t have to drill any holes in the dash 👍🏻

A little off-topic but has anyone found the brake controller plug on the Aviator?


A little off-topic but has anyone found the brake controller plug on the Aviator?

It isn't in this explorer location?

I could see them moving it but I wouldn't think far from that location.....

It isn't in this explorer location?

I could see them moving it but I wouldn't think far from that location.....
It doesn't seem to be. I've revived my membership in a Lincoln forum and there is a thread on the controller plug but it doesn't appear as though the Aviator has one that anyone has been able to find. BTW, I'm not looking for it for my use.


It doesn't seem to be. I've revived my membership in a Lincoln forum and there is a thread on the controller plug but it doesn't appear as though the Aviator has one that anyone has been able to find. BTW, I'm not looking for it for my use.

Peter, I found some info that it should be in the same location as the Explorer. It sounds like there is an extra panel that might be blocking it from
sight. Here are a couple of pictures that were posted. Let me know if you to know where I found this.

20211022_143440.jpg 20211022_143500.jpg


  • 20211022_143440.jpg
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I have a 2021 Explorer with factory tow package. When I went to the Curt site I found the harness pigtail that fits the 2020 does not fit the 2021. Is Curt wrong, did Ford change the plug on the 2021? I find it hard to believe that they would do that, but still???

Thank you Catishi for the photo and the explanation. I have removed four screws as you mentioned but the plastic panel will not budge. Are there some clips holding the panel in place as well? I have a 2021 XLT, but I would think the panels would be the same.

OK, I got it. Thanks everyone for all the posts. I found that on the 2021 XLT all you need to do to access the plug is to remove the bottom rubber panel. I did not remove the panel immediately under the steering wheel. The one I eventually removed was the one that has the heater vents in it and is bolted to the firewall and the console. The panel itself is bolted with two screws to the little tabs that also house the OBD reader. The next was a nut I removed that fastened the same panel to the firewall and then there was a bolt that fastened the panel to the consle. There was also a tab that snapped in at the top. When this was removed the plug was very clearly visible and as posted is attached via a tab just above the steering column. So if I have read the previous posts right (and I may not have) then the panels on the 2021 XLT are a bit different from all the others. In any case, thanks all for the posts, now I have confirmed that the 3035 wiring harness sold on Amazon will indeed fit.

At least I hope it does. I have ordered it and will post later when it arrives to confirm.

Final update from me on this topic. I installed the 3035-P harness that I got through Amazon and it fits. The factory plug is the female part and the harness has the male bit. However, the factory female plug has a dummy male plug in it that needs to be removed first. I guess they stuck it in there to cover the leads??? In any case it all works great. I took it out for a test pull today to confirm that the brakes and lights work as they should and they do. Then I put the trailer away for the winter.:(

Do you know the part number to the cable that is needed to plug into the Explorer & the Tekonsha P3?
Hey, I'm coming to you from the future....What a great idea on the brake controller placement! I really didn't want to drill a hole in the fuse cover panel and was looking for something a little more out of the way. This works for me! Thanks for sharing!

It is 3035-P - this is the one I bought for my 2016 and when I transferred the harness and controller to my 2020, it worked perfectly.
I know this is an old thread and post, but thanks! I didn't take my cable off my 2016 when I traded it, and was looking for the cable I needed.

I'm looking for the harness in 2023 Explorer XLT

I'm looking for the harness in 2023 Explorer XLT
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Your post was moved to this thread. Check out posts #13 and #16. Hope that helps.

