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Explorer Navigation Tracking Problem

My dealer reset the TPMS system but I believe there is a post here somewhere that says you can do it yourself. I'll keep looking for it.
Although mine isn't an Explorer, this may give you an idea of what the rims look like. They were $88 each through the dealer.
I checked out the navigation and it is right on target. No issues after the wheel change.



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My dealer reset the TPMS system but I believe there is a post here somewhere that says you can do it yourself. I'll keep looking for it.
Although mine isn't an Explorer, this may give you an idea of what the rims look like. They were $88 each through the dealer.
I checked out the navigation and it is right on target. No issues after the wheel change.


Do you have the full part numbers for the wheel related parts?

Wheels - DG1Z*1015*A
Cover - F87Z*1130*GB
TPMS Sensor - TPMS*12* Kit
AWSP wheel nut - DG1Z*1012*


Wheels - DG1Z*1015*A
Cover - F87Z*1130*GB
TPMS Sensor - TPMS*12* Kit
AWSP wheel nut - DG1Z*1012*


Tasca lists the prices as:

You should sell them to people in the US

So, I just put my winter tires on and my nav is all over the place. I have an 2015 Explorer Sport and went down to 245/60/R18 Blizzaks. I called the dealership here in Ottawa and was told that this isn't common and they have to recalibrate the Nav system. Based on comments here that won't help. May try the Negative battery thing tonight befre bringing it in. Does this force the Nav to retrain itself?? Otherwise I don't understand how that solves it.

On a side note, I did get TMPS installed on the winters (done at Costco) and now my TPMS light came on. So, I guess they didn't adjust them (tire pressure is ok).

I don't know whether this issue is common on the 2015 model, but it is certainly common on the 2013 and known to Ford. The Nav system receives inputs from the satellites and from movement of the vehicle. Disconnecting the battery forces the system to recalibrate the relationship between revolutions of the tire and distance traveled. It took one year for my dealer to resolve this issue, but disconnecting the battery has worked every time.

So, I just put my winter tires on and my nav is all over the place. I have an 2015 Explorer Sport and went down to 245/60/R18 Blizzaks. I called the dealership here in Ottawa and was told that this isn't common and they have to recalibrate the Nav system. Based on comments here that won't help. May try the Negative battery thing tonight before bringing it in. Does this force the Nav to retrain itself?? Otherwise I don't understand how that solves it.

On a side note, I did get TMPS installed on the winters (done at Costco) and now my TPMS light came on. So, I guess they didn't adjust them (tire pressure is ok).

If your TPMS valves are the ones from Costco not OEM ones perhaps they are not compatible?

When I shopped for my TPMS valves I had to provide my VIN as there was two different OEM versions with two different frequencies.

I had Costco install my OEM ones in the steel wheels and never had any issues.

Thanks for the replies. My Battery is currently disconnected for the night...I really hope it works. This is poor design and you should be able to force a recalibrate without disconnecting the battery....

I just hope my remote start doesn't have to be reprogrammed. I have the iPhone APP and it's awesome!

MY TPMS sensors are not from Costco. I ordered OEM ones with my rims through PMC. I am hoping they just have to be relearned. I hope Costco will do this for me otherwise it's probably worth money to buy the trigger/training tool rather than pay the same amount to have it done each time.

Thanks for the replies. My Battery is currently disconnected for the night...I really hope it works. This is poor design and you should be able to force a recalibrate without disconnecting the battery....

I just hope my remote start doesn't have to be reprogrammed. I have the iPhone APP and it's awesome!

MY TPMS sensors are not from Costco. I ordered OEM ones with my rims through PMC. I am hoping they just have to be relearned. I hope Costco will do this for me otherwise it's probably worth money to buy the trigger/training tool rather than pay the same amount to have it done each time.

I read somewhere (can't find it now) that the TPMS remembers up to 8 sensors. On my Taurus I have dedicated winter and summer wheels and do not have to relearn them each time I swap them.

I read somewhere (can't find it now) that the TPMS remembers up to 8 sensors. On my Taurus I have dedicated winter and summer wheels and do not have to relearn them each time I swap them.
Lexus will hold 9 frequencies because Toyota/Lexus have a TPMS in the spare. The Explorer will only accommodate 4.


Thanks for the replies. My Battery is currently disconnected for the night...I really hope it works. This is poor design and you should be able to force a recalibrate without disconnecting the battery....

I just hope my remote start doesn't have to be reprogrammed. I have the iPhone APP and it's awesome!

MY TPMS sensors are not from Costco. I ordered OEM ones with my rims through PMC. I am hoping they just have to be relearned. I hope Costco will do this for me otherwise it's probably worth money to buy the trigger/training tool rather than pay the same amount to have it done each time.

In theory, according to the Ford engineer who worked with my dealer, the Nav will recalibrate automatically after a certain number of miles (I think that they said 200). There was also a technique that involved driving at a specified speed for a certain distance. In practice, mine did not recalibrate over the entire 2012-2013 winter with thousands of miles. Disconnecting the battery solved the problem in minutes last fall.

My dealer resets the TPMS at no additional charge while rotating the winter wheels on and off the vehicle.

Disconnecting the negative from the battery solved my nav issue.

Prior to getting my Explorer, I had to borrow a 2014 F-150 from the dealer and the NAV on it was really messed up. It showed me driving across the ottawa river while on the queensway towards kanata we're talking several KM/miles off. So perhaps there were some improvements in this area as with the explorer, I would drift off and come back but it was frequent and unusable. I guess disconnecting the negative will become a seasonal thing.

Latest update to my navigation issues (above post). Brought my vehicle in for a third time to the my dealer. This time they reprogramed all the modules. That did not fix the issue either so they then decided to replace the GPSM module. After that they thought the issue was fixed. Unfortunately on my way home the navigation tracking went off course and I found myself driving through lakes again! Called the dealer and they are unsure what to do next. They will contact Ford and see what the next recommendation may be.

I'm not sure how the navigation system works but when I first get into the vehicle the navigation tracker is right on and accurate. However, as soon as I start driving for a while I notice the vehicle consistently tracks behind where I actually am. So when I eventually make a turn, the system does not know what to do so tracks me off course. It's almost like the GPSM no longer communicates with the mapping program. Once I'm off course, there doesn't seem to be any correction by the GPSM.

This all started 2 weeks ago when I brought my vehicle in for tire rotation and the TSB for the ambient lighting fix. I hope they can fix the issue. Any other thoughts?

I wanted to provide an update to my situation in case it might help others with the same navigation issues. It seems (thus far) that my navigation tracking issues have been finally resolved after bringing my vehicle in to the dealer for the fourth time. The issue was that the dealer was using the wrong programming for my vehicles build date. The dealer said they were using the MFT programming that was called for in their service manual but my vehicle's build date occurred in a transition period and so needed the programming for a different build date. Once they figured that out, all seems to be working well so far.

The other issue I had was with the blinker/seat belt chime sounding almost broken or garbled. They replaced the whole instrument cluster and that fixed that issue (fifth visit to dealer). I'm hoping not to visit the dealer for some time now.

So here we are, winter tires back on - GPS tracking issue has returne.

I can't say I've been looking forward to winter. But I must admit I was curious to see what would happen with our GPS tracking issue when the snows went back on.

During the time the summer tires have been on our GPS has performed FLAWLESSLY!!! Not even a single issue.

The winter tires went on last Friday & by Monday the GPS was tracking off route about a 100 yards.

There is nothing anyone can tell me that will convince me this isn't an issue with the winter tires. I've already advised the dealership & the vehicle is going in on the 15th.

**Final Update**

Since the summer tires went on the navigation tracking has been perfect. We've driving from Ontario to Myrtle Beach 1200-ish miles and it's been perfect every step of the way.

It will be interesting to see once we put the winters back on.

Has any of this corresponded with the removal & changing of winter & summer tires?

Just curious...

After having extremely accurate navigation tracking performance in my 2012 Explorer Limited with MFT since 3/12, I am now having issues with tracking! It all started this week when I brought my vehicle in to my dealer for minor maintenance and the TSB for the ambient lighting fix (I'm running 3.6.2). The dealer said when I picked it up that they had some issues getting the TSB to take but finally got it.

I then noticed after leaving the dealership that the navigation tracking was way off by miles. I called the dealer right away and they had me disconnect the battery. I disconnected the battery overnight but the problem continued. I then brought it in again this week and they reprogramed the GPSM. They tested it and all seemed fine. Unfortunately, on my way home the navigation tracking began misbehaving again and had me tracking about a hundred yards off course and through a lake!

I'm waiting for the dealership to get back to me as to next steps but they said they are contacting Ford to see what to do next. I'm starting to get worried that they won't be able to fix it. I'm now wishing I had not had them install that TSB ambient lighting fix! Any other suggestions?

Hi Raafter68,

My Nav issue was 100% a result of changing tires. I disconnected my battery (negative) over night and the issue was resolved after I reconnected.

The Nav uses tire rotation to help track and if you change tire size you will see the issue. I went from 20 inch to 18 inch on my 2015 sport.

It's ridiculous there isn't a user setting that informs the NAV to relearn your tire rotation instead of forcing it by removing power to the vehicle.

Has any of this corresponded with the removal & changing of winter & summer tires?

Just curious...
I changed Winter and OEM wheels on my 2011 Ltd several times and never had an problem with the navigation. It was always accurate. The diameter difference was -1.66% between the 20" and 17" wheels. The difference between my MKT Winter and OEM wheels is only 0.23% and again it has not affected the navigation.


Our problems went away when we switched out the winter to summer tired. We put the winter tires back on & boom, tracking issue is back.

Things that come to mind would be are they different size and do they have trained TPMS sensors in them?

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Info from service manual:

GPS Data - GPSM - Used for vehicle positioning, heading and direction to the APIM for navigation.

Navigation rolling wheel count and direction - ABS module - This message provides for more accurate tracking of the vehicle position when the GPS signal is temporarily unavailable for gear lever position for vehicle direction data for navigation.

I went through the diagnostics section and it it would have the dealer check for DTCs, check network communications etc, and if none of that is comes up as a problem then disconnect the battery for 5 mins.
