Explorer Radio Compatibility | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Radio Compatibility


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Xlt Black
I am attempting to replace my 1995 Explorer AM/FM cassette Ford OEM radio with a 1998 AM/FM Cd OEM Explorer radio. I have placed a bid on EBay for this radio. I have emailed the seller and questioned him on the dimensions as well as harness receptacle measurements. They are identical but I am still concerned that I may short out the radio when I connect. Both radios have two connectors, the first is a rectangular one, which measures 1 3/4" long by 3/8" wide and has 8 pins, which on my vehicle harness only has 6 wires, two are empty. This connector is the main wiring such as power and grounds.
The second receptacle is squarish with 16 pins (two rows of 8) and measures 7/8" by 3/8".
My radios Model # is F57F-19B165-AE and the one I want to purchase is F87F-18C815-CA.
Even though the plugs are identical I fear Ford has moved some of the wires in the and the unit will fry or not work at all.
Could anybody advise me if these two units are compatible with the 95 harness. The radio I intend to purchase is not a premium model and does not have CD changer capabilities, nor does my existing radio. My question is even though the radio will fit both the cavity and the wiring harness is there a possibility that I can damage the purchased unit or that it may not work. Is there a adapter available or schematic of what the color coded wires functions are. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Don't know about the wiring compatability, but one thing you have to be careful of is the display color. My '98 Sport is green, I think the earlier ones were blue.

I think you'll be fine. I doubt Ford spent the money to change the radio or wiring from 95 to 98. It would be just like having a CD player from the factory. The wiring would be the same for a tape player or CD player so it would be cheaper to mass produce. Ask if the missing wires are also missing on the seller's harness. They might just be for a changer or power antenna.

Thanks John & Billy, your suggestions were useful.
I will call the PDA company in Denver that specializes in Ford harnesses and ask their advice as the link suggests.
I think I will be OK without any adapters, the last question I must ask the seller is if his 98 Explorer had rear radio console controls, since mine does.
As for 2 missing wires I believe your right John, they may be there for added features of the radio which my vehicle does not have. The only physical difference I can see between the two radios are one has a CD player and mine has a cassette. The speaker wiring for a 4 speaker system should be the same since the receptacles are identical.
