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explorer sport pics

Thanx. I actually followed your posts when I had my old Sport, so when I got the 03 your build thread was my blue print so to speak.

Yes I cut the lower plastic and steel on the bumper then reinforced the sides, was determined to mount the grill guard and tow hooks and shows off the skid plate better, thanx Jen for the compliments

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Thanx. I actually followed your posts when I had my old Sport, so when I got the 03 your build thread was my blue print so to speak.

Yes I cut the lower plastic and steel on the bumper then reinforced the sides, was determined to mount the grill guard and tow hooks and shows off the skid plate better, thanx Jen for the compliments

thanks for the info...and glad my posts were useful for ya. it sure is a fun little truck isnt it?

Hey sogsnakebite, what is the snorkel from? I know everyone over in the 2001-2005 Sport Trac forum would like to know as well.

Hey sogsnakebite, what is the snorkel from? I know everyone over in the 2001-2005 Sport Trac forum would like to know as well.

I think i read somewhere he said it was from a land rover? maybe in his registry page...

EDIT: 80 series Land cruiser snorkel, it was on the registry page.

Thanks Jen. That's funny because the ARB winch bumper I modified to work on my Sport Trac is from a '95 Land Rover Discoverer. How's the Rig holding up? I hope you didn't have any more problems since everything was straightened out after the accident.

Oh love the Sports Jen this is my third in 18 years , It's an 80 series land cruiser snorkel some modificatio needed but works great

Do you have a build thread on the site for your rig or the snorkel? Links?

Not really a build thread and the snorkel I found on eBay,the price had always put me off but found this one quite cheap so snapped it up

There's a few on eBay all very reasonably priced

Went to the Seaside Off-Road and Truck Show yesterday. Ran into two other Xs





and the only other 01-03 I saw




Thank You! The Island Blue Metallic 01 is mine. Thanks for the pics.

Is that what that color is called? It's gorgeous!

Is that what that color is called? It's gorgeous!

yeah i just found it out recently. thank you very much! It has really grown on me. I was given my explorer by a family member 5 years ago when it was completely stock. So she has come a long way haha

yeah i just found it out recently. thank you very much! It has really grown on me. I was given my explorer by a family member 5 years ago when it was completely stock. So she has come a long way haha

I think that is a bit of an understatement hah

I think that is a bit of an understatement hah

x3 on that as well. How do you keep that so clean on the slaty Northeast roads?

Updated pics of mine


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I don't think the list we all have ever gets completed that's part of the love or disease we have lol

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My thoughts exactly!
