Explorer Stainless Steel Muffler Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Stainless Steel Muffler Questions


Explorer Addict
April 17, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Orchard Park, N.Y.
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Explorer XLT 4.0L
The other day I started to notice a different, louder sound coming from the exhaust in the area of the muffler when I accelerated hard a few times picking up speed. At idle don't notice anything. I checked under the truck today and everything appears okay with the midway flange connection, muffler and tailpipe connections and hangers, everything is nice and tight. I'm assuming it is still the factory exhaust on the vehicle, vehicle has 86,800 miles on it. I just learned that these Explorer exhaust systems are made of stainless steel, thus they shouldn't rust out like cheaper made exhaust systems do. I called a Muffler shop in Buffalo, they want $292 +tax, parts (all stainless steel replacement) and labor incl, to replace the midway flange connection, short pipe to muffler, the muffler itself and the guy said my tailpipe should be reusable, but the one I currently have is welded straight to the outlet on the muffler, so I don't know if they can still reuse it. There are no exhaust clamps on my system except the flange.

So does anyone know how or where a stainless steel mufller will give out or fail at? Do the baffles inside of it go, even if the outside body of it is still solid and in good shape? Thanks for any info! Sorry I posted this here, wrong forum by accident.

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Here's my new exhaust I got last weekend:

I tried to get duals...ut the guy at the shop said he couldnt do it...I need to find somebody savvy enough

Here's my new exhaust I got last weekend:

I tried to get duals...ut the guy at the shop said he couldnt do it...I need to find somebody savvy enough

Try a muffler shop that does custom pipe bending work. They should be able to install a dual system and make one up for you. I was really looking for info on how or where a stainless steel muffler goes bad at. Since they don't rot out like cheaper made mufflers do.

I used all my existing piping..the stock muffler is garbage...the stanless steel pipes are good though

I used all my existing piping..the stock muffler is garbage...the stanless steel pipes are good though

The stock mufflers are still made of stainless steel, but aftermarket ones are made better than factory. My pipes still look good (solid) as well with 86k on them.
