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explorer towing


Active Member
July 22, 2009
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City, State
houghton lake michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer xlt 5.0 v-8
im moving to georgia and i traded my mint 93 bonneville ssei for this ex i got. now i find out that i cant rent a trailer to pull because of this ex. why? i just put a 5000lb hitch on it and i guess for nothing.im beyond pissed, what is up with that? can anyone tell me why? i can pull with an expedition but not an explorer. if i kept the bonneville i could of pulled it. i dont understand it i only want to pull a 4x8, thats not very big at all. man i got like 3 weeks top and i got to move.i hate to try to trade it for a another truck cause its in great shape and the motor and trans around 60k on it. any ideas?.....thanks:salute:

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Who says you can't tow with it? We all tow with our X's.


Just get some Mountaineer stickers... ;)

ya its u haul. they wont say why, just that they wont let u pull with an explorer.but an expedition or any other auto is fine.. what a joke..im going up there and tell them its an expedition and see if they know..anyone know why they wont do an explorer?...

Got another, larger vehicle you could borrow to drive to pick up the trailer? F-series truck, Expedition, Chevy/GMC/Dodge 1500 or bigger?

They won't let you use an Expo because of liability issues. People try to pull 10,000 plus with a "small" vehicle, and then blame U-haul when something tears up.

And I believe the tire recall on explorers a few years ago worsened this problem. People were driving explorers with the Firestone tires that the truck came with, the tire blew, they flipped, and a few may have been hauling with a U-haul trailer, so they blame U-haul, now we can't rent them under an explorer. ^hit happens :D



im moving to georgia and i traded my mint 93 bonneville ssei for this ex i got. now i find out that i cant rent a trailer to pull because of this ex. why? i just put a 5000lb hitch on it and i guess for nothing.im beyond pissed, what is up with that? can anyone tell me why? i can pull with an expedition but not an explorer. if i kept the bonneville i could of pulled it. i dont understand it i only want to pull a 4x8, thats not very big at all. man i got like 3 weeks top and i got to move.i hate to try to trade it for a another truck cause its in great shape and the motor and trans around 60k on it. any ideas?.....thanks:salute:

I don't remember when this was but there was a big stink about Explorers rolling over and Ford blamed it on the tires. There was also some pointing of fingers at U-haul and U-haul pretty much told Ford the take a hike and created a policy that U-haul will not rent trailers to people who have Ford Explorers.
U-haul continues to not rent trailers to Explorer owners, and there is not much we can do about that.

Find another rental place, as U-haul will not rent to you.

Do yourself a favor... find a cheap trailer off Craigslist. You WILL find so many uses for an enclosed trailer afterwards.

The X can and does haul weighted trailers when properly equipped and prepped.

If you are not pleased ... just sell off the trailer.

I was told about this some years back....when I wanted to rent a full car trailer from UHaul.....the liability issues and they blamed it on the suspension. :rolleyes:

So I went back with a Durango.

Idiots would rent me an enclosed, dual axle trailer to tow with my WINDSTAR van, but not my X. Needless to say, the van never 'saw' the weighted load....but it has a nice $350 tow hitch with a 2nd grade wiring job from uhaul.

Bunch of monkeys there....:thumbdwn:

Just get some Mountaineer stickers... ;)
I need to haul some stuff out of a storage facility before they sell it at auction. I have no other vehicle so I'm going to try to see if they notice the difference.
