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Explorer vs Cherokee vs Blazer vs ???

Still wheelin' with "Desert Dan"?

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Still wheelin' with "Desert Dan"?

Desert Dan relocated to Florida, and misses 'wheeling in the desert very badly. I'll have to let him know that you asked about him, Rick. He really misses the good times he had out in the desert, but he is doing well in Florida.

I regularly get together with 'Fat Cat' and we either 'wheel in the desert region of Southern Ca. or down in Baja California - where he lives 100% of the time.

Here is a fun video that I made in 2008 with Fat Cat's built Explorer *Dominating* at a 4x4 Event down in Rosarito Beach, Baja, Mexico:

Baja recovery of my '94 Ford Ranger

In August 2001, my Transmission ran out of fluid, and burned up about 12 hrs. south of the border. Here are a few photos of "Desert Dan", myself, and Andrew (RIP) gathering my items and towing the Ford Ranger back home.

'Desert Dan' sharing a laugh with Andrew (RIP) after dinner at El Palomar - Santo Tomas, Baja California

'Desert Dan' looking over my camp items

Emigdio Salgado Chacon - Camp Supervisor helped watch my Ford Ranger while I was back in the USA, getting assistance in this vehicle recovery

Andrew (RIP) saw that the Ranger was in poor operating condition - He tried backing the truck up the ramp in 4LO, but had to drive it up, instead





The drive down the mountain from The Observatory was uneventful until...:eek:

Dan Sanchez from Off-Road.com was not happy after all of this happened to the trailer we borrowed from him.:thumbdwn:

Local townsmen (in San Telmo de Abajo) assisted in changing the tire, which had steel belts wrapped around the axle housing, making it difficult for us to remove. For payment, they all received ice cold Soft drinks.

Before leaving Colonet, Dan's MT/R got a nice flat:thumbdwn:

How long did you drive on a flat to make the wheel look like a molten blob?:eek:

How long did you drive on a flat to make the wheel look like a molten blob?:eek:

It had to have been about 30 minutes. I rode with Dan down the mountain in his Explorer, and from our position, I did not have a good view of that wheel until he made a series of turns. But, Andrew is the one who sensed that something was awry from behind the seat of his pickup.
