exterior bumper plastic. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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exterior bumper plastic.

i'm thinking of putting black herculiner on the gray plastic on the exterior of my X. thought maybe it would hold up better than regular paint. has anyone ever tried this? i'm also looking into getting my chrome bumpers sand blasted and painting them black as well. i may wait until i get this other stuff blacked out and see how things looked. i just wanted to check to see if anyone else had herculined their plastic.


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Do it... I want to see how it turns out.

I actually bought a bed kit the other day because I wanted to do my rockers, grille, and bumper plastic. After I thought about it, I took it back because I'd never tried anything like that, lol.

Give it a shot. Maybe it will hold. Worst that happens, is it doesnt, and you've gotta get a plastic primer, and then you lay down the rhino liner... you'll be set.

I was thinking about this today, but ended up getting regular Krylon Fusion satin finish paint. I took off all the plastic trim which was purply-grey in color. I have only unclipped half of the top rear bumper plastic(It's a B****). I Used a Brillo pad and simple green, then pressure washed all the pieces, and finally wiped them down with acetone. I used a can of paint adhesion promoter before the black. Is there any kind of other sealer that I could spray on to protect it?? I do not want to have to go through this again. Otherwise they look good, I really hope they don't chip. I would really love to see how the rinoliner works out. Good Luck!

i think i will give it a try. it'll be after the weekend before i can get started. i'll post the pics when i'm finished. wish me luck-


update........still planning on doing this but i'm waiting on a warmer day. not going to use herculiner though. i decided to use black bumper paint with adhesive promoter.

