Feds sueing Google to "spy on American's" | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Feds sueing Google to "spy on American's"

if we don't argue about politics we've failed ourselves

ions said:
So what kids watching **** boo hoo! I bet everyone in here saw a **** before 18 or had sex before than also and we all turned out alright.....right? :D besides look at what the kids see on MTV and BET anyway! Some of the ****s I see dancing around on TV with hardly anything on! its AMAZING! and what about "late night adult" programs on skinimax or ho-time come on government get a CLUE! The good **** you don't find by search engine anyway! torrents, mIRC, newsgroups is the way to go :D

It is very obvious to me you have no children. When, and if you do, I doubt you'll be singing that tune.
