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FireFox problem

Ray Lobato

Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Honda Accord
Yesterday Sandy was playing on JIBJAB and after that the screen would move up and down about 3 lines. We couldn't get it to stop until opening up another tab, then it would stop. Now every time you open up the browser the screen does this. It's very annoying. Can anyone help me out? This doesn't do this on IE7
I am running version 3.0.8
Thanks :notworthy

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...Mine did this yesterday...It actually started scrolling the whole page on it's own...I finally figured out to click on the page and it stopped...It only happened on one page though..:dunno:

...FF 3.0.8 is the most current version...

That's weird. I've never had any problems like that with FF.

I'm running 3.0.8 and 3.1 Beta 3 and haven't seen anything like that with either one.

Do you have any add-ons? I know an add on for AVG messed with mine until I disabled it.

Is your version the latest version? Did you try to uninstall it, then reinstall it?

Yes, it's the most recent version.
I did do a uninstalled it and re-installed it, but the funny thing is I don't think that it really uninstalled, because when I installed it, there was still all the bookmarks and history from before I un-installed it.
Is there something I should be doing to make sure that it is un-installed all the way?

tbars4, I clicked on it, but it still wouldn't stop. I had to open up another tab and click on the new tab, then when I go back to the original page it would stop. If I close the browser and open up a new browser, it starts doing it again.

Willard, the only thing I know is that Sandy was playing around with JIBJAB and when she was finished with it, the screen started do that. I wasn't there when it happened. I have never had a problem with FF before.

How do I make sure that I have un-installed FireFox fully, before I re-install it again?

...I have only had the scrolling problem once and by chance it was yesterday...I had recently received 2 updates to FF last week...I have noticed a small problem every once in a while with certain pages resulting in my touch pad mouse on my laptop not working properly with FF...That is what my next check would have been was to verify the touch pad capatability with FF version 3.0.8...They usually have a capatability or error listing along with the FF updates..

...How did you un-install it???...I would manually go in through C drive, Windows, Programs and remove it from there...Most programs will save your settings in another sub folder, just in case you are removing from an upgrade say 3.0.8 back to a 3.0.6...

...I hope this helps..:dunno:

I un-installed it from the control panel.
The Vista version for "add or remove programs" utility.
I would have thought that this utility would have done the job. Guess not. :(


Try delete the folder after uninstall. Just an idea,


Ray, have you got the restore function in your PC? Try to go to a restore point just before that day, that's the only repair I've had much success with. You do lose most information since the restore point though.

Don, I'll try that tonight when I get home.

Well I did a restore on my computer and that fixed it. No more moving screen!!!

Thank you all!!!:notworthy


Thanks for the update! Sometimes I see a system restore point listed, but if I try to restore from that date it says that it can't. Maybe they corrected this issue with Vista? I have XP Pro on my system.

Mine has usually worked for a given restore choice. But I never set a restore point, so you are limited to the handful of Windows set points that are random. I wish there was an automatic restore point utility like the defrag etc.
