Fitting 4" Superlift on a 1995? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fitting 4" Superlift on a 1995?


Elite Explorer
October 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Charlotte, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Eddie Bauer
I purchased a 4" Superlift kit, and apparantly the 1995 X's have all of the brackets that get replaced with the SuperLift brackets welded on. According to the shop that's installing my lift, he says that Superlift claims it cannot be done at all, but he says that he'll do it if I can find someone that has done it already and made it work.

So this is a call out for all 1995's that have the 4" superlift on it. What EXACTLY had to be done to make it work?

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nothing ;)

Just make sure you take the wires out of the hold downs for the vacuum disconnect on the front axle, and you are all set.

I would definately question this shop that is installing if they are giving you different information.

No, modification is needed. The brackets are welded on, according to him, superlift, and my two eyes :)

superlift piggybacks the torsion bar brackets.

Yes the brackets are welded on. However it doesn't matter. The superlift parts bolt right over top of them. I have installed this lift on a 97 and a 95 (same lift as a matter of fact) and what my cousin is saying is absolutely correct.

You just need the torsion bar isolators off a 98 - 01. You can get those at a for dealer.

Just tell him don't cut anything and take the isolators to him and say use these its in the instructions. And then when you pick it up check everything cause I certainly wouldn't trust this guy.

What about SuperLift, then? They say that it doesn't work for the 95 because they're welded on.

ALL DUMB *****!! I have it, it works.

Originally posted by AdamsGuitar
What about SuperLift, then? They say that it doesn't work for the 95 because they're welded on.

So is the 96, and the 97. Just ignore them. It works. There was no difference in layout between my 97 and his 95.

Could the sport be different from the Eddie Bauer (which I have)?

No. Only difference is your frame is longer. But the suspension is all the same.

maybe the Superlift for the blazer works for the EB...hmmm ;)

ok...what are you questioning here?? The torsion bar brackets?? Or some other brackets?

You want me to call this shop for you?

I am just confused as to why SuperLift would say flat-out that it WILL NOT WORK if it would. I'm obviously not questioning your install because you've obviously done it, I am just wondering if perhaps some 95's are different from others and that is why SuperLift claims it won't work with any of them.

no.....what brackets are in question here????????????????????????????????????

exactly. Are we still talking about the torsion bar mounts? There is nothing to them. Yes they are welded and they are part of the tranny x-memeber, however the superlift bracket bolts righ over them. Superlift obviously hasn't done their research. There are a few second gens on here running ranger lift kits no porblem. I always wondered why SL didn't spec it for the 95 cause it does work. I think they spend too much time with other trucks and not enough time stdying the grociery getters.

The suspension is the same wether anyone wants to admit it or not. The only reason this lift even ever came out (IMO) is because they had already done the reseach for it on the Ranger and the Sport-Trac. Then decided it worked so they said "Hey we could me a couple more and put them on Explorers" The instructions blatently say sport track on them. So they probly couldn't even tell you what an Explorer looks like let alone if it will fit.

enough said:


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Ok i have a 95 too, and ur saying i could buy the kit for the sport trac, take it to my local shop and they can get it on there no problem? or are there going to be other things im gonna need....

you need to buy the torsion bar isolaters from a 98+ from Ford, other than that, you would be all set.

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Originally posted by its pford
Ok i have a 95 too, and ur saying i could buy the kit for the sport trac, take it to my local shop and they can get it on there no problem? or are there going to be other things im gonna need....

What I am saying is that those are the instructions that come with the "Explorer Kit" Meaning there is no difference int he sport track and X kit. But I would still buy the one marketed to explorers incase there is ever a problem you'll have a bit more leverage. Even if they are un-knowledgeable, they stillhave good customer service and when I was missing parts they got the replacements to me ASAP!
Seriously though read my writeup and it will probably answer 100% of your questions. (server is f-ed up right now so I will move it and post in a bit).
