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flowmaster 50 series suv


Well-Known Member
March 27, 2006
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City, State
Auburn, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
ok, so this is a shot in the dark, but im looking for an audio clip of an explorer with the 4.0 sohc engine (mine is 98 4door 2wd) and the flowmaster 50 series suv muffler, stock sized pipes too...just the muffler not the cat back system. ive found some online but cant be sure what car/engine/system or anything its being recorded off. so if anyone can help out that'd be awesome, thanks.

edit: im wanting to know if just putting on the muffler, and using the same pipes is going to give me a ricer sound. ive heard both ways, and was looking to hear from someone who actually has this application. help?

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oh yeah i have K&N cold air intake too.

thats sounds freken great......hmm i wonder what that would sound like on an OHV.......

man...are you sure thats a v6???man it sounds like a 5.0!!!!! I was looking forward to install a cat-back too but somebody said that it wouldnt sound good. Now i heard yours, i totally changed my opinion. I noticed you dont have a lot of performance modifications and it still sounds really good. Can you tell me what you did with your exhaust?? was it a bolt on kit or did you have to make it kustom?? Peace

any have a sound clip of the single out???

i too would like to hear a single out

Sounds great. But it still begs the question, how far away were you for the recording and how do I know how loud to set my volume for an accurate reproduction?
Can you hear it when your on the highway, windows up or down?

I'd like to find a clip of the single out for my 5.0

the one i am sending to explorer99 is of mine with a single out about 3feet away from the car. ill get a driveby clip and an accelerating clip on a nicer day for anyone interested

yah i would definately be interested in those

mike that sounds great, thanks a bunch for the post

MadMike6786 said:
Exhaust Idle

there is one clip but as soon as i get some time ill post some more in this thread

Sounds a LOT like my old SOHC Sport ('00) with same muffler. Now that I have a 5.0 I can definitely tell the difference.

Stomp on it in your next vids. :D

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