Ford Explorer 2005 XLT TPMS error | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ford Explorer 2005 XLT TPMS error


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September 17, 2007
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XLT 2005
Hi All,

My mechanic changed 4 tires on my Ford Explorer 2005 XLT 4X4 with the same size but differenct Brand. The 4 Original tires were Michelin, now the 4 new tires are BFGoodWich. He also changed one of the TIRE PRESSURE SENSOR on the driver side. After he changed the TPMS on the driver side now I am keep getting the TIRE PRESSURE SENSOR FAULT on my dashboard.
He did try to reset the 4 sensors but he has a difficult time to reset the new installed which is on the driver side. This happened for 5 days already.

Can anyone help me out?

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks BrooklynBay. I was just about to ask about changing the sensors. I want aftermarket rims, but was concerned about the sensors.

Thanks Aerostar man. I printed out the above link and bring it to him but it still doen't help. I guess I have to take it back to Ford. Any more suggestions before I have to spend another buck or two.

Thanks in advance.


I did tried to train the tire.

Here's what I have done.
1. Turn the ignition from OFFposition to RUN position 3 times
2. At the end of the third times, I press the brake and release it.
3. Turn the ignition from OFFposition to RUN position 3 times again then it horn once.
4. I placed the Magnet over the Valve Stem then it horn twice and said "Tires Not Trained - Repeat"

Does anyone has any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


either the magnet isn't strong enough, or the sensor is messed up.

I wonder if you had them put it on the computer if it would tell you which sensor is actually causing the fault, or more specifically what's going wrong?


Hi High Order1

I was using a small magnet, may be I need a strong magnet.

Thank alot.

Thanks BrooklynBay.

I went to RadioShack bought the High Energy Magnet that you have recommanded and it works like a charm. Now I am back on the road again.

Millions thanks.

Hey guys, just experienced the same issue after getting 4 new tires put on at Sears. I got the TPMS fault on the dash, tried to train the tires with the 3 turns on, brake, 3 turns on, but it wouldn't work. Thought it was the magnet and got a very powerful one but it still wasn't working. Turns out the left front (the first one you do) was not responding. I learned this after taking it to a tech who actually had the right tool and tested them all. Got sears to replace the sensor for free and they said just drive it around and the fault will go off, but I knew this wasn't the case and grabbed a magnet off the fridge and reset them without a problem. Magnet doesn't need to be that strong after all. Will never buy tires at a place that doesn't know TPMS again.

TIRE PRESSURE SENSOR FAULT could also mean Spare tire is mounted or in use, the spares don't have a TPMS sensors and even when the spare (with TPMS) is mounted the sensor dosn't pick it up for some reason . .?

Same problem, got 5 new tires last week, 4 had the original TPMS and the tire shop supplied a new one. So i was able to successfully train 3 out of the 4, of course the new sensor (aftermarket?) wouldn't learn. Remounted the the original 4 and there was no problem. Now i'm waiting on an original used TPMS sensor which should fix the problem, i'm guess the module is picky about the sensor. One thing i learned is the Module will only take 4 sensors and if you do a 5 tire rotation you need to find a magnet and do it yourself every time you rotate the tires.

This is what i bought a little expensive but it works well. . . .


  • TPMSReset.jpg
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That sucks, I think they used some cheapo generic sensor in mine and it works fine, just needed to wake it up. You don't need to register the sensor or any of that with this system from what I can tell. A good shop will have a TPMS tool that can tell you if the sensor actually has a signal or not.
