Franken Sploder (Premier) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Franken Sploder (Premier)

well, i have been here more than a few years and never made one of these things haha.. so now that im rebuilding the explorer i guess i should post up some pics and what im doing.

first the stats:

engine: stock ohv 4.0l also building a snorkel
transmission: stock mazda 5 speed
transfer case: bw 13-54. i installed this after my stock electric one took a dump (see pulling off the t-case)
suspension: 4" superlift suspension system, skidplate, driveshaft, shocks and springs
front axle: dana 35 ifs, powertrax lock-right, 4:10 gears
rear axle: ford 8.8, power-trax no slip, 4:10 gears
tires/wheels: 33x12.50 r15 pro comp mud terrains, on centerline rims 15x8.5 (rims have run the rubicon multiple times)
exterior: soon i will have bushwacker fender flares, i have 2, i need 2 more (bought 2 to make sure they would work)

now here are a few recent pics :D (my sisters bf is in the driver seat)

and sorry for the big pics! :)




i am also installing the snorkel this weekend, here are a few teaser pics. im using an arb top, and building the rest. i got the larger arb top, so its the 3"

this is inside the airbox


here is the outside, and as you can see, i cut away the support that was on the inside under the fender



and here is my dad holding the snorkel pipe

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i need a new page

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ok, updated pics from today. just getting some scenic pics

####ing file size.. :mad: every time need a min

sorry for the bad quality, my pics data size is too big for the site..


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Nice pics man. Wish we had that scenery on this coast.

i also agree new pics u got

yea, the mountains here are amazing.. cant beat em

well, did a TT and installed warrior shackles today. now i need to save some scrilla for tires.

the shackles were cake, took all but 40 mins or so. the tt on the other hand was a bish!! superlift uses these skid plate thingies to protect the drop brackets (not sure if normal explorers have them), and the bolts that hold them on had been smashed from rocks and wheelin. so i had to grind them off, and punch them out.. and then my new torsion bolts were too long.. so i had to cut them down.. all in all it was a very long day. what should have taken hours or so, took 7

i thought i'd bump this up, and see if anyone wants to buy this. im going to put an add in the paper, and if it doesnt sell, its going to the scrap yard. im 2k miles away from it and no way i could part it out, so superlift, gears and lockers will end up in the scrap yard.

Dropped the explorer at the scrap yard today. It's country auto salvage in aurora Utah. I'm sure you can look them up and call them if you want anything off the truck (lift/lockers/gears/rims etc)
