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Front Brake Rotors

David S.

Well-Known Member
February 25, 1999
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2020 Altima AWD
I am getting squeaking on my front disc brakes. Afte looking at the pads, determined they should be replaced. Figure I might as well do the rotors as well. Is rotor replacement difficult and do I need any special tools?

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If you have 2wd, you don't need any special tools. If you have 4wd you will need a special 2 pronged hub removal socket (sorry, the name of it escapes me right now) to undo the hubs properly. It's about $7-10 at auto stores.

since you have a 92 XLT, you may or may not have 4-wheel ABS. If you have 4-wheel ABS, you'll need a hard-to find socket to get the ABS sensor off, if I remember right, its a 12-point 5/16" socket? Someone correct me on that if I'm wrong.... you'll know when you see it :). If you look at your rotor and you see a small (about the size of a quarter) metal cylinder near the center of the rotor, you've got ABS.

since i have manual hubs, i needed to have the standard 4 prong huge socket...$15 bucks at napa.... also, i have abs, matt, are you talking about the abs ring or what? my sensor wasnt connected to the rotor itself but did have a 3" diameter gear like thing on the back

when we took the rotors off of my explorer, the ABS sensor was attached to the rotor by two bolts. one had a fairly standard size head, the other one was completely different. Sears actually had one, but it was such an odd size they only included that size in one or two of the socket sets they offer (and they have about 20 different sets if that tells you anything!)

When you replace the rotors you should really look into ART Slotted ones from I have them and they're wonderful.
