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front disc brakes and rotors


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June 24, 2003
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94 explorer
is it hard to replace front disc brakes and rotors on a 94 4x4? i've done brakes before and thought i could do it until autozone said i need to replace the bearings too

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a manual as stated earlier would be the easiest for you as it has step by step and pics...

i converted to the manual hubs about a year ago but will go through the procedure of the rotor removal off the top of my head as i recall...

the caliper is just held on with the caliper pins. knock them out with a hammer and a punch. you should put new ones in on reassembly.

the outer hub assembly just pulls off when you take the wheel off.

there is a c-clip on the axle shaft, take that off and the star washer and the cam will pull off.

remove the key way lock and the spindle nut.

your rotor is now able to pull off...

all first gen rotors have the races already pressed in [from my experience]. now all you will need is new dust seals, bearings, rotors, pads and caliper pins...

4x4 cyber store has a write up on converting to manual hubs. it might help you. just og to step 7 and the work backwards on reassembly....

hope that helps...

You only need to replace the bearings if they are bad. You should always repack them tough.

Can you re-use caliper slides after lubing them?

Originally posted by Rhett Browning
Can you re-use caliper slides after lubing them?

they recommend using new caliper pins every time you remove the caliper. i have probably had my calipers off 4-5 times using the same pins each time with no problems. i always clean the caliper groove and pin really good and apply a liberal amount of caliper grease to them...
