Front Licence plate | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Licence plate


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2008
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1994 XLT
Hey all! i got another problem x[ i had to install new front licence plates and the screw in the front DIDN'T FIT!! what kinda screw do i need? i have the plate being held by duct tape. what size screw do i need or am i just putting the screw in wrong? i dont have a front licence plate bracket btw. thanks every one!

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That's probably why, there's supposed to be a bracket on there. The holes in the metal aren't right.
ok my aunt broke the lask braket and her plate was dug into the car. where can i get a new bracket?

would autozone have it? i dont want to drive to teh dealer...they over charge. and do you think the duct tape will hold for like max 4 days?

sure, duct tape should hold it....and I don't think autozone will have it. Something like this will either have to be ordered or bought from the dealer.

well me and my dad made a quick solution...took the one screw and put a lugnut on the other end...ducktape and one screw with a lugnut holding it tight. that will have to hold untill i can get to ford....but i dont think ill need to go to ford =D
