Front locker+rear LSD? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front locker+rear LSD?


December 27, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
lala land
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99-'00 Sport?
W/ the notion that ARB might produce a locker for late model Explorers, I suddenly have a question. I read somewhere, I think it was on this forum, that it's not a good idea to have front diffy locked tighter than the rear, i.e., a locker in the front +limited slip or open rear.

What's the premise behind this claim? ARB front+auto locker in the rear seems very popular. I think Rick's 93 originally had ARB in the rear and LSD front; but I don't know anyone who has a locker in the front and LSD in the rear...


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"but I don't know anyone who has a locker in the front and LSD in the rear..."

In '2000 Gofast ran a EZ-Locker front with a TracLoc LSD (limited slip diffy) rear all year long and conquered world-class Potato Salad Hill in Moab among other obstacles that also include Moab's Double Whammy.

He also took the hard line at Moss Rock in our DFW Texas area 360 trail when it was open (and made it).

If you've been told it won't work you have bad info.

Wow! I guess I've been told wrong! Thanks a bunch. A lot of people seem to do fine w/ LSD even rock crowling; I guess it's all in the driving. Thanks.

When the front end is locked and the rear end isn't, the vehicle will exhibit handling problems (mild to severe, depending on the terrain). No one I know recommends this combination.

GoFast probably didn't have any problems because his TracLoc was tight. As it wears and loosens, he will probably experience handling problems with his truck.

ARB's are great for the front

Since they have the ability to lock, and unlock with the push of a button, it makes them a perfect choice for the front. As long as you don't drive around with it locked (in which case it acts as a spool) then you won't even be able to tell it's there. Besides, having a Locker/LSD in the front greatly enhances your front wheels ability to pull you up and over obstacles. With the ARB front, and a Locker in the rear, you should be able to conquer just about anything thrown at you. E-mail me if you have any questions as I know several people that run this setup.

Thanks for the replies...

Even w/ only one locker in the rear or front certainly is still great. Since there're, as always, mix opinions, I ll check this option as "undecided" until I actually get a truck (yes, the driveway is empty as of now). Beside, I don't want to get my hopes up too high on ARB even making a locker for 95+ Explorers. Surely I ll have a better idea when I attend some off-road gatherings--after I bought my Explorer of course; you don't want to see a Toyota Corolla off road....., or do you?

I would love to see a corolla off roading, but if you care about the car then no. But it would be great to see it. I love watching people off-road who don't care about the truck or car in your case. Thats why a love watching tuff trucks, at monster truck shows.
