Fuel Pump Dead | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
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City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I replaced my fuel filter today so I used the method were you pull the relay to the pump while it’s running to remove pressure from the lines. That definitely worked as I changed the filter and the lines were depressurized. But now my pump isn’t turning on, I don’t hear the usual whirl sound and I don’t feel the slight vibration.

The relay clicks when the key is turned and I swapped it out with the wiper relay but no luck. Do I just have the luck of my stock pump dying as I changed the filter? :) I posted in a similar thread a week ago.

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Hit the gas tank with a hammer

Hit the gas tank with a hammer
Tried it and I heard very faint whirling sound similar to the usual sound the pump makes when it turns on.

Time for a pump

It was definitely the pump. I had the bad and good luck of it going out, but happening in my driveway. What are the chances? It went out when I pulled the relay to change the filter.

it was replaced with a Delphi so hopefully that lasts. The original went for 280,000 miles.

When depressurizing I take the relay out first / and then "try" to start --opening up injectors to take existing fuel in combined with depressing shrader valve.... maybe pulling relay while running tweaked it ?...seems like it wouldn't but......at any rate with 280K it lasted a loooong time.
You have an EXTREMELY rare (post 95-96) XLT with the 4.0 OHV..... When looking for a second gen 4.0 OHV I came across ONLY ONE like yours.....and I searched through dozens and dozens.
Have you had to replace the head gaskets or heads on yours?

When depressurizing I take the relay out first / and then "try" to start --opening up injectors to take existing fuel in combined with depressing shrader valve.... maybe pulling relay while running tweaked it ?...seems like it wouldn't but......at any rate with 280K it lasted a loooong time.
You have an EXTREMELY rare (post 95-96) XLT with the 4.0 OHV..... When looking for a second gen 4.0 OHV I came across ONLY ONE like yours.....and I searched through dozens and dozens.
Have you had to replace the head gaskets or heads on yours?

The mechanic mentioned something about the solenoid staying open when I pulled the relay and since the pump was so old that finally killed it.

Yes I’ve been told before how rare a 2000 with a pushrod is. Seems the original owner had it built with an ohv and 3.55’s for some reason. Maybe it was cheaper back then. But that’s strange since it’s also an XLT trim not XLS.

I actually changed the heads and pretty much everything except the short block components at around 230,000 miles. My heater hose broke at 180,000 miles causing the truck to overheat and it finally started to misfire at 230,000. Otherwise I think it would have reached 300k easily.
