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Garage floor?

What covering do you have on the floor of your garage/workshop?

I am in the market for a new floor in my garage. Any thoughts/suggestions?

Thanks in advance ......

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The Sherwin Williams Tile-clad II cost me $85.12 for a two gallon set. That covered about 250-300 sq ft. That works out to about .34 cents/sq foot on the lower end of the coverage.

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That's more like it. Can you give me an idea of what total was for all supplies - muriatic acid etc. Thanks

Muratic acid was something like $19/gallon. Add in the price of a roller, tape and some latex gloves and you're there. Somwhere around $110-120 to fully cover 250-300 sq ft.

JDraper said:
Muratic acid was something like $19/gallon. Add in the price of a roller, tape and some latex gloves and you're there. Somwhere around $110-120 to fully cover 250-300 sq ft.
Muriatic acid (same as pool acid) is 3 bucks per/gal, max

why muratic acid??

Muratic acid etches concrete nicely, and is relatively safe compared to other acids.

do you have to do it .. and also on a floor that was just poured is this possible at all. or does it have to cure X amount of days.

According to the directions on the Sherwin Williams stuff, you need to let the concrete age at least 28 days at 75° F before you paint it. The etching is used to help rough up the surface for better adhesion of the product.

Jeff, any info on applying this S W stuff over an existing painted floor?


I have two gallons of epoxy garage floor paint waiting to go in my garage. I am concerned about it being too slippery though, as we do get a lot of rain here.

I may end up painting the floor and then get someting like the RaceDeck as posted above as well. Probebly overkill, but it sure looks nice.

For the third bay (I have a 3-car garage) I'll probably just paint it and leave it. That side is my "workshop" anyway.

JDraper said:
According to the directions on the Sherwin Williams stuff, you need to let the concrete age at least 28 days at 75° F before you paint it. The etching is used to help rough up the surface for better adhesion of the product.

thanks for the info that will be perfect timing.
as they just got my closing date pushed back till early august..

aldive said:
Jeff, any info on applying this S W stuff over an existing painted floor?

I couldn't find any information on that. It just says make sure the surface is free of loose material, grease, oil, etc. I would assume you could apply it over existing paint as long as the paint is well adhered and you rough up the surface. One of the reasons to epoxy coat the floor is it's great adhesion to concrete. I'd be taking a pressure washer to the painted floor to see if I could flake it off.

JDraper said:
...One of the reasons to epoxy coat the floor is it's great adhesion to concrete. I'd be taking a pressure washer to the painted floor to see if I could flake it off.

If your current paint is really on the floor good, and isn't flaking off or peeling, etc., then it can be put on right on top. If the current paint is in so-so condition your best bet is to get it all off and then clean/etch the bare concrete to get proper adhesion. If you old paint starts to peel, the epoxy will peel off too, since it only stuck to the paint and not the floor.

Also, I would recommend not driving on the floor for at least a few days to make sure it's properly cured.


BTW, this is the stuff I got. Now I just have to actually apply it. THen I can tell you all how nice it is...


where did you get that stuff and what did it cost?

I really like it and may go that way.

JDraper said:
Muratic acid etches concrete nicely, and is relatively safe compared to other acids.
Not to be pissy but the above info is Dangerous, Muriatic acid (AKA hydrocloric acid is extreamly dangerous as it comes from the plastic container.
For use in etching and cleaning concrete use one part acid to ten parts water.
Always add acid to water,NEVER water to acid

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I never liked getting close to it while they cleaned exterior brick walls let alone inside a structure. It gave off a powerfull acidic smell.
