Gas Gauge Problems! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas Gauge Problems!


New Member
July 9, 2004
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City, State
Franklin, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport
Here is the situation, tell me what you think is wrong.
'93 Sport 2 door 4x4 183,x.. miles
Fuel pump Replaced Sept. 2003
On Wednesday of last week had my factory amp disconnected by proffessionals

Gas gauge on reads empty and i just filled it to the brim with fuel. Can't think of what might be the cause. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

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sounds like the float in the gas tank is not floating and stuck on the bottom on the tank.

just went thru this myself, sounds like time to replace the sending unit, or when they replaced pump they did not secure the sending unit wire, may have come off, either way tank has to come back down, it took me all saturday to replace my pump and sending unit, good luck.

Ya i've had the same problem with mine since i bought it 6 months ago and i have come to understand that a gas gauge reading empty all the time is common in the older explorer/ranger models so i just go by mileage. In my 2wd stock sport i can go about 280 miles (depending on the rpms i shift gears at). Eventually i'm gonna see what the deal is but dropping the tank doesn't appear to me as being as fun as ilfting it, putting a super charger, or sound system does. When you do do it don't take it in. One mechanic told me almost $500 just for the labor.

500 is a little much for labor a mechanic did mine for around 300 dollars

ya but still the point i was trying to make was that its cheaper to do it yourself. Just go to autozone and get the chilton repair manual. That has helped me for everything from engine belt to putting in a new clutch/flywheel, to repacking my wheel bearings. Its saved me hundreds.

My gas guage does not work, neither does my bro's

So is there a way to fix the problem? Or am i stuck with it on E for ever? Drop the tank and then what, just look to see if a wire has come loose or is there a part I need to get for a fix? thanks for the help in advance.

Just live with it. I repaced the sender in the tank and the part in the dash. No dice. Fill up at about 280km. Your tank will hold 72 l when empty. I don't know how many gallons that is.

if it makes you feel any better my gas gauage is stuck on F!

you have to buy a new sending unit w/ float

more then likley your float as filled with gas and sunk

if its like my problem where its stuck on F it means the sending unit has come disconnected some how and just needs to be soddered back togeather.

mine does that also its stuck on E and if its on e it could be that it dont have juice or the float filled up like you were saying if its on full that most likely means that it dont have ground witch most places i guess its the fuel tank to the frame that the ground that mostly messes up

Creager said:
if it makes you feel any better my gas gauage is stuck on F!

you have to buy a new sending unit w/ float

more then likley your float as filled with gas and sunk

if its like my problem where its stuck on F it means the sending unit has come disconnected some how and just needs to be soldered back together.
I got back from muddin' today and low and behold my guage says full all of a sudden so I thought it was the ground also.; I will check it when I get the under carriage cleaned.
