Gas leaking when climbing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas leaking when climbing


meaty beaty big & bouncy
July 19, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Baja California
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT

Like the title says, I get a pretty good amount of gas that flows out of the fill hole when climbing up steep ledges etc... The truck need to be at a pretty extreme angle so it only happens once in a while...this is with the locking gas cap on tight.

I don't know if I have something like a return or breather loose or disconnected.

Anybody know what I should be looking for??

Thanks for your help.

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I have never seen mine do this. I have only had it at extreme angles a few times for not to long.

Did someone try to steal gas from you recently?
The filler tube should have a roll over valve in it that prevents fuel from running out the filler tube at angles. The valve also makes it difficult to siphon gas and it isn't uncommon for a hose to get stuck in one when someone tires to steal your gas.

Maybe the filler tube is damaged somewhere or a bad seal or something. I may be wrong but i thought you can replace the tube by disconnecting it from the gas tank.

It could be a couple of things... First, are you sure it's leaking from the gas cap area?

There are a few things that'll stop the fuel from moving. First, the fuel cap itself is designed to fully seal. If it's actually leaking through the cap, your cap is probably defective.

The hoses underneath it can obviously leak too. If the fiberglass fenders required the relocation of the filler neck, it could have forced a hose into an unnatural position and cracked it. Any attaching hardware for the fenders may be rubbing something too.

On the tank, there are a few evaporative emissions hoses and connections that could all be leaking. The rollover valves are on the evap lines, not the filler neck and vent tube. The filler neck has a flapper valve, but it's hardly air-tight which is why the cap still needs to be there.

Start there and let us know what you find. :)
