Gas pedal fell off!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gas pedal fell off!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
December 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Spokane, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Ex V8, AWD XLT
Yep you read it right my gas pedal actually fell off today on the way to work. :roll: No I don't mean the rubber part, or flat part or anything that your probably thinking right now. The bracket that it bolts too broke off of the truck its self. The welds that hold/ held the bracket on broke! No rust no signs of problems simply broke off and is sitting there. So I get to bolt the dang bracket back on, so I can drive that dang thing 900 miles this weekend :confused: ok end preposterous events!

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haha, thats pretty funny and dangerous. Ive read that is a common problem, that the spot welds or whatever they are are failing and the pedal assembly comes off. Ive been thinking of drilling the welds out and bolting the assembly down.

I just used some self drilling bolts (4), and that should do the trick just fine. I would recomend to anyone with a drill to spend the $1 and 10 minutes of work to do this and save your self the hazard. It's not too dangerous because you can still stop, but who wants the headache of being on the road when it happens. Good info for all! IMO.

i had that happen to me when i was on a exit for a highway had to drive home with my jumper cables using them as a harness for a sliegh

Was the whole pedal assembly bolted, or welded to the firewall? My pedal assembly fell of my 96, but it was bolted on. I just grabbed the whole pedal and bracket and pulled on it for throttle. It was wierd, but it wasn't difficult. I had a similar thing happen on a snowmobile when I was wearing mittens so I zip tied the loose throttle cable end to my belt. That was a bit tricky. :)

The bracket had three spot welds up the middle which pulled out of the firewall.

Hmm, I'll have to take a peek at mine.

Same Happened To Me.. And I Am Sure It Is A Real Common Thing.

There is a TSB on this. I have a copy if someone wants it.

Gas pedal fell off !

Well I am out of town and needed to get home ! I found this was not as big a deal as I 1st thought . I had an extra bicycle brake cable in my bike tool bag , I put a loop in one end of the cable and snarred it onto the throttle cable , securing it wth some duct tape , then ran the other end through a coverplate screw hole near hood release , I did this as a guide and means of keeping cable from getting intangled with anything else under dash ! I took a handle off a scrib brush and ran cable through it so I have a uniform handle to pull and not bare wire cable cutting into my hand all the ay home , have a ways to go ! I will follow up with my perm fix if I get home safely ! Plannerdude124u

I thought I was the only one with that heavy a right foot!

My Charger had a heavy duty, reinforced accelerator pedal.
