Getting her pretty for the classifieds :( | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Getting her pretty for the classifieds :(

Ok, so my black 97 Sport is going to the classifieds next week, so I plan to pretty it up over the weekend, here's what I have done so far:

Good wash + wax
Painted the trim in the B pillar Painted the antenna, and the base
Painted the trim starting at the front fenders and finishing before the rear ones
Painted both mirrors
Painted door sills covers (the ones that say Explorer)
Polished rims with Turtle wax rim polish
Cleaned tires and applied that gel to make them brighter (I got a no brand one at Big lots and it works OK)

All of the painting I did with black Krylon Fusion + clear until I ran out that's why the rear fender trim and the plastic in the bumpers didn't get painted (I'll get another can to finish these + wiper cowls)

My plans are:

Paint the roof rack with spray on bedliner

Clean the interior (all plastic, trim, etc) with A1 interior cleaner
Clean all the carpet with Zep

And put an air freshener (California scents, Coronado Cherry, this stuff lasts for years...)

Anything that you think I'm missing that would make a good impression at least cosmethically?

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Thanks Techie,
The paint is not that good anymore, it has the white freckles, plus a couple of years ago we had a hail storm and the hood got a beating, not sure how much the clay bar would help in this situation (the white things, not the hail LOL)

Atleast your cleaning it. I'm sure we've all seen cars for sale that are pictured w/ snow on them, dirt, flat tires, etc.

Atleast your cleaning it. I'm sure we've all seen cars for sale that are pictured w/ snow on them, dirt, flat tires, etc.

Hehehe and salt & pepper, ketchup, mayo and mustard stains and the little packs from McD's still laying around :p:

depending on what it is it might pick it up.

Looks like if the paint was stretched and was starting to tear, not sure if I make sense...

Atleast your cleaning it. I'm sure we've all seen cars for sale that are pictured w/ snow on them, dirt, flat tires, etc.

Yup, nothing turns me off to a car listing more than when they take a shot with the door open and the floor looks like it's never been vacuumed.

When I got a New Yorker, in the early 90's I was installing some new speakers in the rear, and found a mummyfied lizard, gecko or some other reptile of that sort :p:, some crumbled up packets of condiments, french fries, etc
So I want my truck to be nice and clean when it goes to it's new owner :)

I bought a Z28 *BOOOOO HISSSSSS BOOOOO* a year or so ago and it had the worst smell ever inside. After owning it for a few months... summer months... I decided to remove the rear window tint. While I was in the trunk deck, I thought I would check the spare tire and whatayaknow... rotten potato under the spare tire. I thought the smell was horrible before, but when I went to pick it up and the potato liquid burst through the skin, it was nearly more than I could stand. I thought I was going to vomit in the trunk of my own car.

... I sold the Camaro a few weeks later and bought my 3rd Explorer, lol.

Hahahaha so funny!
Well I still own my truck, no one seems interested in a 97 with a bad tranny, oh well, I'll keep it for a while
