Gibson Exhaust fitting around adjustable rear air suspension? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gibson Exhaust fitting around adjustable rear air suspension?


Elite Explorer
February 25, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Limited V8 4x4
Hi all,

Somewhat new around these parts, but not so new as to not understand the search function ;) Looked around in the other Gibson exhaust threads and haven't found an answer to a small problem I may encounter in the not too distant future.

Would like to order the Gibson swept side catback exhaust system for my 2000 4door/4WD Limited with the 4.0SOHC. On Gibson's website, I found a note saying that the aftermarket exhaust will not fit on vehicles equipped with air ride adjustable rear suspension, which my truck does have.

I plan on lifting it in the near future as well, which I assume will do away with this air suspension in the rear.

So my question is, will this catback kit fit my truck with the rear air suspension removed? And is it detrimental to remove these stock parts before installing the lift? Thanks for all the help!
