Gilmer, TX 4-24-04 | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Gilmer, TX 4-24-04

zavaral said:
its confermed nomatter what im doing im going to go to the next gilmer run. even if i have to take the fiero and ride with somebody im going...hell i might even lift it and take it....naw ill stick with just the explorer.. james was phil with u when u rolled.

i would also like to point out that if yall do make another weekend trip to gilmer. try to make it before the 13 of june, i leave for bootcamp and i wouldnt want to miss the fun.

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Msupertek is the MAN!

Thank you so much for the video!!!

I live 30 minutes from him and I still havent received my video. Hmmmmm Maybe today?

Is someone going to digitize it for us? :D

got mine today in the mail. looks like he likes me more than brian :p . i have to ask about the country music though, why not some slipknot or metallica, hey even pantera would have been cool. great vid though, it was fricken awsome possum :) . it would have been faster for me to go pick it up but i figured what the hell. thanks mike :chug: .

I receive the CD today. Thanks Mike.

But, the video goes blank at 16:30 while the music keeps playing until 22:19. Was that the way it was supposed to be?

Mine was here yesterday sitting in the mailbox when I posted. Thanks Mike

Got mine today. Thanks Mike. :chug:

Rick if you'll pm me your physical address I'll send you a copy.

Oh and the country music, well everyone at work said the same thing but all I have on my comp is country music (even though I listen to all music). Plus this was the first time I have ever digitized a movie and edited it and added music. It was time consuming (maybe the program I have just sucks) and the country music was easy access, what can I say I'm a TEXAN. Hope all you enjoy it. :p


Ya the music kept going but I ran out of footage, I cut out all the idle times or the movie would have been about 3 times as long. Trust me it drove me nuts looking through the hole thing to make it I thought it was gonna never end.

Oh and SVO if you get a chance to shoot me your copy I can join them together (unless it looks like we pretty much got the same stuff) and make one big video?

still waiting and waiting and waitng........................ :)

one thing i REALLY want on tape is the inside of jeff's truck when the bronco buckled over and jeff says "OH ****" hahahahaha that is the greatest :p

bobdreadknot said:
one thing i REALLY want on tape is the inside of jeff's truck when the bronco buckled over and jeff says "OH ****" hahahahaha that is the greatest :p

I have quite a bit of in-car video and some outside too, mainly most of the same spots but from some very different angles, and yes that was quite a shock watching James roll, it happened "Just like that *snap*", it caught me way off guard, that was my fist resonse, lol! :roll:

If you look at the pic (whereever it is) of the front of Jame's Bronc that you can see me in the back ground, that's where I got the view of his roll.

And I stayed at the back of the pack so I have views of everyone going down the trails and sorts, blah, blah, blah.

Can you believe it's been six years!:eek:

nope... you need to get back out here.,.. this time I'm taking you to Hot Springs for some REAL rocks.. :D


that was a fantastic trip, i think i STILL have mud on my truck from the rain lol :D

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