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Knight fired as Indiana head coach news services

INDIANAPOLIS -- Bob Knight's temper finally did him in.

The basketball coach, already in trouble for a history of misconduct, was fired by Indiana for grabbing a student by the arm last week to lecture him about manners and violating the school's "zero-tolerance" conduct policy.

The decision, announced by university president Myles Brand at a news conference Sunday, ends Knight's three tumultuous decades at a school where he was one of the game's best coaches but also one of its most volatile.

Brand, who criticized Knight for repeatedly flouting the school's conduct policy since it was set in May, said he gave the coach the option of resigning. Knight refused and was instead fired for a "continued pattern of unacceptable behavior."

Brand stressed that Knight's confrontation with freshman Kent Harvey was not the only reason for the dismissal of the 59-year-old Hall of Fame coach.

"If that was only instance that took place you would not be here today," Brand told reporters.

The president said he stood by his decision for not firing Knight in May and instituting the conduct policy, calling it the "ethical and moral thing to do" because of Knight's contributions to the school.

"I still believe we had to give him one last chance," Brand said. "He failed to live up to that. That was his decision.

"His unacceptable behavior not only continued since then but increased."

Indiana players and coaches had already been informed of the decision.

"We met with the president (the team and the staff) and he wasn't too happy," said assistant coach Mike Davis, referring to Brand. "He went over that he was waiting to get the police report, but it was still hard to believe they were going to get rid of coach (Knight)."

A source close to Knight said Knight called Brand on Saturday night and that the two "got into it." According to the source, Knight told the president that he would fly back from Canada, Brand said that wasn't necessary and that Indiana was going in a different direction. The source said that Brand was against Knight holding an impromptu news conference Friday and didn't want Knight to leave for Canada.

Reaction to the news was quick.

"Disbelief," said Jared Jeffries, a McDonald's All-American freshman who is Indiana's highest recruit. "I came to Indiana. I thought coach Knight would be here as long as I would.

"When I heard about it I thought there was a good chance this could happen," Jeffries said. "The university was so strong on it's zero-tolerance policy and I knew that if something like this happened he could be in trouble."

The search for a new coach will begin immediately and Brand said he did not yet have any candidates. Knight, who reportedly was in Canada, where he often goes for hunting and fishing, will be paid for the final two years of his contract.

Knight won three NCAA championships with the Hoosiers and guided the U.S. Olympic team to a gold medal in 1984.

But his behavior, which has included verbal and physical abuse of players, has been a problem since he took over the Hoosiers in 1971.

Knight has one of the game's most notorious tempers _ throwing chairs across the court, stuffing a fan in a garbage can, scuffling with Puerto Rico police and kicking his own son on the bench.

Last spring, he was accused of choking one of his players during practice in 1997, an act caught on videotape. Following a school investigation into that claim and others, Indiana warned Knight in May that he must adhere to the zero-tolerance policy, which included no "inappropriate" physical contact with students.

The university also suspended him for three games and fined him $30,000.

Meanwhile, Harvey and his two brothers have received numerous threats by phone and e-mail, said their stepfather Mark Shaw.

He said the teens never wanted to see Knight fired. An apology from the coach was all they wanted.

Harvey and his brothers want to stay at Indiana, Shaw said, and university officials have assured their family they will do whatever is necessary to ensure the Harveys' safety.

"We'll have to see how that plays out. It's terrifying," Shaw said. senior writer Andy Katz and information from The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Once a king, always a king, but once a Knight's enough!

Now that IU has fired him, Bobby Knight needs a new way to make a living. Here's one:
We all have seen the bar and grill restaurants that feature as servers nubile young women dressed in T-shirts and shorts.But it seems that in conservative Indiana, they haven't gone over very well.

So to capitalize on the popularity of the former high priest of the state's civil religion, orders at the new chain will be taken by middle aged men with gray hair wearing red sweaters and gray slacks. They will curse the customers, throw chairs if the tips aren't good, and choke the cooks if the orders are slow.

He can call the chain "Hoosiers".

It's odd, because all that stemmed from the freshman calling him by his last name. I think Knight just wanted the youngster to 'respect' him. Kids will test their peers til something stops them. In this case Knight was wrong, but so was the freshman. I agree he was abusive and needed to be stopped( dethroned, if you will ). Give respect where respect is due. Knight might not be a nice guy, but he has earned his right to be respected and he gets the job done.

Boy, the Cameron Crazies are going to have a field day with Knight if some school does decide to hire him...

To react to a student saying "Hey, Knight...what's up?" as Knight did, IMO, is totally irrational. Yes, it was meanto to be disrespectful. But for chrissakes, it was a freshman shooting his mouth off. They do that. To physically touch him is way out of line for an educator.

I'm a student at Auburn University, majoring in Aviation Management. I ran into Tommy Tuberville (the football coach) at the airport here and adressed him informally and had a great conversation while we waited for our respective aircraft.

What is unfortunate is that this was the son of Knight's biggest critics...which probably blew this out of proportion (no thanks to CNN).

Yes, Bob Knight was a great coach. Yes, he graduated something like 77% of his players (and a number that high means that people wanted to play for him). Yes, he is 5th on the all-time NCAA Div. I career wins list (763). But there are social standards and norms that we must follow in order to live in a civilized society, and coach Knight has continually, over a period of 20+ years, refused to abide by those norms and instead decided to throw chairs, kick at his own son, & head-butt players. It was probably time for him to go, before he had a nuclear meltdown over something else. All said, I think IU made the right decision, painful and embarrassing as it may be.

Much is said about Knight's commitment to discipline. Why is it that he has none of his own?

[Edited by FlyAU on 09-11-2000 at 12:55 PM]

Hey Now

I don't want to hear any disrespecting Coach Knight. I attend St. Pius High school, if you guys could have seen our team that one the region or division for those of you not in Georgia, we were a bunch of scrawny little white boys whose Coach was an imitation Coach Knight, the yellin the constant cut downs, but it made us better players.... Anyways we went up to Indiana to a team camp that was held by the great Coach Knight. It wasn't really a skills camp but more like a tournament. I must say I have the most respect for Coach Knight. He introduced himself and in a sarcastic way had a couple other kids come up and give him a hug. Meanwhile he's cussin about stuff, not bad stuff but the kind that makes you kind of laugh, sort of about the way he is portrayed in the media. He took a liking to our team about the way we were disciplined and how we played a team game not just a team with some kid who would take the ball and dunk it. That is the way he is though he disciplines what he wants to when he wants to. Indiana will never have a good team for a long time until they drop all the players that actually understood Knight. No other Coach will be able to recreate what Bob Knight brought to that team.
Now to the part about Coach Knight getting fired. I hate the media. If you know anything about life you know that Mr. Knight getting fired was not just about breaking that "zero tolerance policy." It was about the University getting greedy and wanting to change tradition for more money. Look at proposals for IU to bring huge corporate sponsers in to Assembly hall. Coach Knight didn't want to do that, he wanted to preserve the traditional look of the Hall and those greedy IU partners had enough of someone standing up for what was right.
I wish Coack Knight had an explorer so he would know about this great site and know about the people who actually care for his style of coaching and ethics. I would love for a coach like Bob Knight to be my Coach anyday.

Another thing I would love to see Coach Knight teach him a lesson in respect and really beat the $h!t out of him.

That is all.

Brett K

I understand what you are saying, but when it is your job, you do not disrespect your boss. Say your in a corporation, a newbie, are you going to go up the the boss on the first week and call him/her by their first name? I see this on the same premises. Knight is doing his job and someone mouthing off to him is showing outright disrespect. Over-react- you betcha, had it coming, perhaps,( both were very wrong) ..but wouldn't you love to be the fly on the wall in the locker room when the fellows confronted the freshman who started all this?

Point: Don't disrespect your boss regardless of the arena.
