Got some new goodies today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got some new goodies today


My bro, JoshC in Iraq
August 26, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Hurricane, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Sport
Well today I got me some new goodies to my truck. First I had ordered a gauger cover off eBay. I wasn't too big on the indiglo or anything like that so I went for the stainless steel look. I got them from SpeedHut. I got that installed:

Then I bought some 33x12.50 Thornbirds, they not new but new to me!

I've also got some 15x8 Rockcrawlers coming in next week. So I'm ready for Tellico next weekend, I'm excited to go!

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Sweet!! Did you get the Thornbirds off E Bay also? If so, how they ship them.

Put those bad boys on, man! :D

and post pics when you do, those will look bad ass!

Looks awesome man...cant wait to see em next weekend.
