Got something stolen tonight | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Got something stolen tonight

You'll never guess what someone stole tonight!!! My friggin doors! :fire:

Just kidding :D It was a complete PITA to get the passenger side door off. I pulled off the kicker panels on both sides, but on the passenger side, the computer was there. I tried for about 30 minutes to get the connectors off without having to take out the computer but that didn't happen. Turned out it only took me about 4 minutes to remove the computer and then disconnect the two connectors. I'm gonna probably buy some connectors tomorrow that I can mount on the outside of the body (or right inside the door panel) so they can come off much quicker. I will probably cut the flanges for my tube doors (making them so I can bolt them up like the stock door), then I just need to have my friend bend some tubing and figure out a latch for them. It's fun riding around with no doors....and I get more attention than I did before. :D


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bmxking5 said:
Ben, please send $1500 to my paypal. That way I can buy the tools to do my own regear, an ARB, and the gears. Thanks and I'll see you at Crozet. :p

All you gotta do is head to harbor freight! $200 dollars later youll have your tools!

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bmxking5 said:
I'm ordering those YJ door latches Wednesday or Thursday probably. :cool:

Ben, please send $1500 to my paypal. That way I can buy the tools to do my own regear, an ARB, and the gears. Thanks and I'll see you at Crozet. :p

EDIT: While you're at it, send another 2k so that I can go 35 spline in the rear and get my hi-steer. Muchos gracias :D :confused:

Just for future refferance, how much were the latches? I saw someone on a Cherokee use these on the tube doors

The Jeeper I talked to said they were 50 bucks, but my price from work is only about 25 :cool:

JTX said:
All you gotta do is head to harbor freight! $200 dollars later youll have your tools!
Yeah you're right. The thing is though, I like my tools to last a little bit longer than 3 times using it. :p I'll be buying all Craftsman and Snap-On tools whenever I think I'm ready to regear...I mean whenever my wallet thinks I'm ready to regear the front. :D

All you really need is a press. My Grandpa rebuilt gear boxs for rock crushers on a a harbor freight press. Ive done about 10 regears on it and so far it works fine. Kinda hard to break a press. lol. After that all you need is a gauge to check your back lash. That you may wanna buy at Sears though. I used a harbor frieght gauge and it works fine, but nothing like a craftsman.

That's cool. I was reading the article on pirate (the one that is SEVERAL pages long) on regearing axles, and it has a whole tool list. I have a lot of tools, but there are a lot of things that I've been needing to buy still that are just common tools most people would have.
JTX said:
Kinda hard to break a press. lol.
Actually, we bent the steel tube on my friend's press (the one in the center that actually presses everything in) when we were pressing in my rear wheel studs. :eek: We've also ripped the threads off the top of it where the plate for the jack sits. :eek: :eek: When I get one I want something that won't break so easily.

Lol dam dude. Maybe the one i use is a little heavier duty. Im not even sure cause its my Grandpas.
