Grinding/clunking noise when manouvering. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Grinding/clunking noise when manouvering.


December 11, 2009
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Coalville, England
Year, Model & Trim Level
Hi all.
Got a problem that materialised last night and after searching for an answer on the interweb, i've come up empty.

The problem is this. When driving at normal speed, the car (1998 Explorer 4wd, 4l sohc) drives and brakes fine with no noises. However, last night i tried to reverse the car on full left lock and it struggled to move, feeling like the left front brake was stuck on. After that, it didn't do it again, even when i did the same thing when reversing into the driveway at home.

This morning, i was in a car park, drove forward with right lock on and it clunked and again felt like brakes were sticking, then on opposite lock as i reversed into a space, same thing again. Done it a few time since when manouvering.

It only does this at parking speed and noticed it once when i pulled out of a junction. Thought it was just on full lock, but seems that the steering doesn't have to be turned too far before it does it now. Getting quite worried that the front diff may be shot!? It basically feels like its on hexagonal tyres when the problem occurs.

I recently had the gearbox and torque convertor changed at an Explorer "specialist" and have also changed both front wheel bearings and right-side inner uv joint, spent a fortune on her to get her right & really
p1553d off now.

Should the front diff oil be changed on these cars or are they lubricated for life? Also, i've seen mention of the possibilty that it may be stuck in 4wd, but i've never had the need to put it in 4wd, so don't think that would be the case?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, cause after spending all my days off working on the car since christmas, i'm wondering if it'll ever be right.

Thanks, Paul. :uk::(

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Anybody out there?......... :rolleyes:

EDIT nevermind different problem good luck

would also like to hear ideas

My mom just mentioned to me a loud clunk at full left steering when parking her 1996 2wd. I have been scouring the board for a while looking for similar symptoms so that I have some idea where to begin my troubleshooting next weekend.
Anybody run into this before and know what to look for?

For Earl73 - look for a loose ball joint on left side. Could be either upper or lower, I'd bet on lower.

Paul (speednut) - I'm thinking your '98 has a 4WD selector marked AUTO-HIGH-LOW. You may find useful info in this thread. If your selector is marked something other than AUTO in the leftmost position, then it will not help at all. Differential lube does not have a specified replacement interval. Ford says lifetime. Most enthusiasts say change it every few years or after driving through water deep enough to submerge the differential.

A few things come to mind... It could be the 4wd engaging, making it feel as though the brakes are binding when, in fact, it's the driveline that's binding through the transfer case. To troubleshoot that, first, verify that it's doing it, then simply unplug the 16 pin connector next to the transfer case and see if the problem disappears. If so, then we know it's a 4wd issue, not something else, and we can go from there.

Second thing that comes to mind is an issue with the parking brakes. If a brake shoe (or more specifically, one or more of the retainer pins or springs) comes loose, the brake shoe(s) can make contact with the drum and cause it to bind in one direction, but not necessarily the other (i.e. reverse but not forward). I had that exact thing happen on my F150 a few years ago (and the design is the same, but the pieces are just proportionally larger).

The last thing that comes to mind is a limited slip differential in the rear axle that's not slipping for some reason. Not common, but certainly possible if something has gone awry.


Thanks for that. I've now sold the car as the wife wanted a soft-top for the summer, but i did try removing the fuses for the 4wd system and it stopped doing it, so suspected it needed the brown wire mod doing. Pulled the stereo out to do it, but obviously, as i suspected it would be, being right hand drive the wire was on the opposite side of the car and i wasn't sure which one to cut, so left it in the end. Not heard anything from the buyer, so assuming all is ok. Thanks for everyones help over the last few months, but new pastures etc.... :wavey:
