H2 video does battle against JPs! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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H2 video does battle against JPs!

Ken Cooke

Explorer Addict
April 18, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Riverside, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 Rubicon - Tomb Raider

20 MB of some raw humor directed at us folks with Jeeps. Even Saddam Hussein endorses the Jeep brand! :mad: If you own a Jeep, I hope you have a sense of humor, or you're gonna be mad as heck at these H2 owners and how their vehicles can conquer MOAB w/their longer wheelbases, etc.... :fire:

-Ken :afro:

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holy crap i didnt know those things could be taken off road! i would personally never take on off road they are so tall and top heavy it scares me

LOL. . That was so stupid it was funny.

They take all the worst-case scenario videos of Jeeps, and compare them to some boring shots of H2's with their great flex. :p

Lions back, Black hole, Tip over challenge - boring
Escalator - No proof that he got any farter than I did.
I would have liked to see one doing Hells Gate.

The only impressive shot was the H2 doing Potato Salad Hill. :thumbsup:

Speeking of H2's. . I saw one 'wheeling' last weekend. . .on 20's. . :rolleyes:

Jefe said:
LOL. . That was so stupid it was funny.

They take all the worst-case scenario videos of Jeeps, and compare them to some boring shots of H2's with their great flex. :p

Speeking of H2's. . I saw one 'wheeling' last weekend. . .on 20's. . :rolleyes:

I took a group of Jeeps, and Explorer (Chris Glass'), some 'Yotas, and even a 'Ranger down for a 3 day, 150 Mile 4WD trail in Baja, Mex. You would be crazy to 'wheel the places we did with one of those big things. :thumbdwn: Can you say, "Cliff-Hanger Challenge?"

I have seen the vidoe at the esclator...yes he did make it up. What you're not seeing is the 10-15 times got a quarter they way up then started spinning. I agree...that was a totally bs video, easy ass trails. That just confirms that they're hung like planet pluto (hardly seen with the naked eye) LOL


sure is :(

I downloaded the file before it went down. Let me know if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of it.

Let me know if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of it.

how big is it (in MB) ?

OUUU its back up!!! (21 MB btw)

AHAHAH I just finished watching that video - puuure HATERATION on the j33p ppl!

LOL.. man that was great. Talk about biased.

Wasn't there a video awhile back of a H2 getting stuck on a tree stump, and later being pulled off by a Jeep.

there was and that is why i couldnt believe that they could actually be taken off the road even though they suck off road, the first time i saw one off road was that video of it stuck of the tree stump in some grass

Links down again


both of those videos have been around for awhile, but still worth watching every time. hahahahahaha

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