had an intresting day | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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had an intresting day


Well-Known Member
January 3, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Bensalem, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 xlt
As the title says i had quite an intresting day. First i found out along with my entire brigade that we are getting deployed. Dont know when but they have orders so i am going to be getting ready for round 2.:salute: I am actually looking forward since i feel that i am doing something rather than just sitting here in germany. I also met The Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff along with 4 others. I received this nifty coin.



If you do not know the only coin that is more valuble in a soldier/airmen/marine/sailor's eyes is the presidents. This is my second coin from the joint chiefs of staff that last being Gen. Peter Pace. Have a few other but its really an honor to meet him before a deployment and talk to him about past exprences and how hes working to change the armed forces. He talked mostly politics but it was still an honor to be chosen out of a few thousand people to meet him.


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That's pretty cool. :thumbsup: Thanks for your service.

Congrats on the coin! Thanks for your service!


...I hope you are somewhere you can keep in touch..:thumbsup:...Be safe..:salute:
