Had MagnaFlow 12258 Dual In Sigle Out Installed. NOT HAPPY. To Loud. | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Had MagnaFlow 12258 Dual In Sigle Out Installed. NOT HAPPY. To Loud.

rob17, When I got a noise violation ticket, I installed 1 highflow cat and the superturbo, got it inspected by a sheriff, and I passed....and in order to pass I had to put my "stock system back on". If you are really scared, just get the super turbo installed with a glass pack installed after this. This should make it pretty much silent. Its quiet til you get on it hard. Highway/cruising drone is non existant. With no cats and the mods I have, its a lot louder than with stock everything.

Im not worried about noise violations, I just hate that noise. I can understand v-8 noise but this sixbanger sounds like a kids riceburner.

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so r u going to get rid of the new exhaust u got and put it back to stock or what. I got dual 40 series flows on my 01 sport and it sounds real loud and deep. I love the sound. Previow owners of my 01 sport had the 70 series flowmasters and I heard those were the quietest flowmasters.

Anyways I am glad that I got the 40 series I love how it sounds.

so r u going to get rid of the new exhaust u got and put it back to stock or what. I got dual 40 series flows on my 01 sport and it sounds real loud and deep. I love the sound. Previow owners of my 01 sport had the 70 series flowmasters and I heard those were the quietest flowmasters.

Anyways I am glad that I got the 40 series I love how it sounds.

Im the opposite. I dont like noise. That 40 series would drive me crazy. If this super turbo doesnt work, I will buy a new stock muffler I guess. Should have left it alone. I did go from 18.1MPG to 20.5MPG so that is good I guess. No real power boost that I can tell.

Here are the pics. I Like the tip. Ignore my dirty X

First Four Shots. Once again, its a 1999 Limited SOHC Dual in Single Out Magnaflow with 2.5" Pipes


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from personal opinion, to make a 6 cyl sound good, u need to flow a lot of exhaust gases through a muffler. This is obtained by deleting gases, larger piping leading to the muffler, and headers. My 6 cyl sounds pretty deep and after adding the offroad Y, i noticed a huge change in sound. If you hate rice sound, try going with a flowmaster. They sound deep....just remember the more you can flow through that muffler the better

Tomorrow Im installing a holley hooker max flow muffler so its like a magnaflow. Ill see how it is

rob u should do a sound clip of ur exhaust
