Happy Birthday Ray Lobato, Dopler174, and GJarrett... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Happy Birthday Ray Lobato, Dopler174, and GJarrett...

Happy Birthday guys!

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:party:Happy Birthday guys....:chug:

Sincerely hope you get to use ALL of the calendar pages for the next year.;)

Thanks everyone, it was a great birthday, but I still don't get the senior discount, you have to be 65 now.

..I had to blow the dust off this one..:D

..Happy Birthday Gents..:party:

Thanks Ted!

Happy birthdays!!:chug:

Happy Birthday guys!!

Happy hatch day to the three of you.

Happy birthday 2015!!:chug:

Thank you! I had a nice one not too wild. I'm an old man now LOL.
