Harbor Freight Tire Lift Review | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Harbor Freight Tire Lift Review

Harbor Freight Tools Tire Lift.

I've seen this tire lift at Harbor Freight a few times and it seemed like an interesting design. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend the $100 on it but when it went on sales for $59 I figured I'd give it a shot. It is ITEM 95420 and comes unassembled. A 5/8th inch, 17mm and a pair of pliers is all you need to put it together. Initial quality isn't the best. The first one we picked up looked like it warped when it was welded which kept it from going together. The movable arms wouldn't fit. The 2nd one we got is better but one arm is tighter than the other due to the horizontal suport not being completly square. For $59, its not bad.. for $100, I'm not sure I'd buy it.

I tested the lift on a 2006 mustang (which is what I plan to use it on since the floor jack barely fits underneath) and on our '92 explorer which has 33x12.50 tires. It worked great on both..

  • To use the lift, you lower the lift all the way down while pulling the movable arms outwards. By moving the arms outwards you can get the lift lower. Once you have used it a few times you will know how far down and out you need things.
  • Once you have it all the way down you slide it up against the tire and center it to the tire.
  • You then move the upper pad so it rests on the tire and tighten the wingnuts. I found it works better if it rests on the tire AND against the rim.
  • Now you just step on the right pedal many times to lift the tire.

Once you have it in the air, put the jack stands under the car and start your work. I would not work under a vehicle support by this tire lift or any jack. Always use a jack stand.

  • To lower the vehicle step on the left pedal and once it is all the way down just pull it out from the vehicle, which may take a little wiggle here or there, but it comes out easily.

Overall, its a great idea that works well. I only wish they were more careful about the welding to keep things lined up since if the metal warps during welding they just built a worthless pile of metal.

Front View

Rear View

Ready to lift.

Lifting the tire.

Tire in the air


Lowering the tire

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So, hows it work with a 38" tire and wheel combo?

That looks like it would be awsome for changing trailer tires on the side of the road.

If its a dual axle trailer, the ramps work great.. Put the ramp so the flat tire lifts as the full tire goes up the ramp.

This lift is a little big to carry around in the rig.. The little ramp is much smaller.

Also.. 33" tire is about as tall of a tire you can use with this lift.



from where did buy this machine I want one for my grandpa

Maybe I should have bought this instead of the HF plastic ramps that collapsed under my FoST while driving up on it last weekend. :mad:

Maybe I should have bought this instead of the HF plastic ramps that collapsed under my FoST while driving up on it last weekend. :mad:

Stupid duty just crushes ramps. The only thing that has lasted is the grey Rhino Ramps, and even those eventually die under it's weight.

Item 95420

Harbor Freight.
I went to Harbor Freight but i did not find it there.
Do you have any other way to find it like a website? or if you know someone has Harbor Freight Tools Tire Lift. It is ITEM 95420 and he wants to sell it. I want to buy it from hem and I will Pay the original price for it.

Harbor Freight Tools Tire Lift(ITEM 95420)

If its a dual axle trailer, the ramps work great.. Put the ramp so the flat tire lifts as the full tire goes up the ramp.

This lift is a little big to carry around in the rig.. The little ramp is much smaller.

Also.. 33" tire is about as tall of a tire you can use with this lift.


Hi, Mr. Maniak
I want to buy Harbor Freight Tools Tire Lift(ITEM 95420). I like it
Can you help me to find it ?
Also if it is new or used that is a good for me

thank you

Hi, Mr. Maniak
I want to buy Harbor Freight Tools Tire Lift(ITEM 95420). I like it
Can you help me to find it ?
Also if it is new or used that is a good for me

thank you

I just looked around at Harbor Freight's website and it appears they stopped making this. I no longer have mine (I gave it to the neighbor). I had to get rid of some tools as I was running out of room in the carport.

I looked around and I don't see anyone else carrying anything like it anymore..


Item 95420

I just looked around at Harbor Freight's website and it appears they stopped making this. I no longer have mine (I gave it to the neighbor). I had to get rid of some tools as I was running out of room in the carport.

I looked around and I don't see anyone else carrying anything like it anymore..


can you talk to your neighbor if he want to sell it ?
I want to buy it. tel him that I will pay the original price for it.

thank you
