harness? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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October 30, 2008
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I recently fabricated a new bracket for my GPS and mounted it on the dash. (see photo below)

When i removed that black cap (where it appears switches would go) I discovered a harness clipped to the back of it. There are no buttons, but the harness was just kinda clipped in place. What switches would normally go here? I assumed it was for the message center or something, but if there is a harness, does that mean I have whatever it is that the harness is for?

I know my question seems vague, but what is the harness for and what switches usually go there? And last, do I have whatever it is that switches there would control? See photo below.. Im curious

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FYI... my vehicle is 2WD. Ive seen some of the Explorers that DO NOT HAVE 4x4 have a set of 3 switches that say something like "INFO, etc...) but those were on the drivers side of the dash. Then Ive seen some 4X4 switches on the passengers side of the dash. Im just confused.

That side is the 4x4 switches, I think - the other side would be the message centre. Most manufacturers use common looms across a model or models, and any unused connections are simply plugged into blanking plates as you have found. In your case, you would not only need the switches, but also the transfer case and associated hardware and software to run it. However, the message centre would possibly work by installing the switches, and perhaps changing the instrument cluster to one from an XLS.

I recently fabricated a new bracket for my GPS and mounted it on the dash. (see photo below)

When i removed that black cap (where it appears switches would go) I discovered a harness clipped to the back of it. There are no buttons, but the harness was just kinda clipped in place. What switches would normally go here? I assumed it was for the message center or something, but if there is a harness, does that mean I have whatever it is that the harness is for?

I know my question seems vague, but what is the harness for and what switches usually go there? And last, do I have whatever it is that switches there would control? See photo below.. Im curious

my 4x4 controls are on the left....nothing is on the right

wifes 05 is 2wd and the message center is on the left nothing on the right

hope this helps

That side is the 4x4 switches, I think - the other side would be the message centre.

My 4WD switches are on the left, but I don't have the messaging center.

my message center buttons are on the left and my 4x4 is on the right and I live in the US, hope this helps you out.

Yea I found that the type of switch varied upon what type of Exp you had. If you JUST had 4x4, the 4wd controls would be on the drivers side of the dash. If JUST have the message center, with no 4x4, then that also would be on the drivers side of the dash.
If you have both 4x4 and the message center, then they put the message center switches closest to the driver and leave the 4x4 switches on the passenger side of the dash. Although, I'm not certain if this would be consistent only with an 03 model.

However, I had yet to crawl under my Exp and was thinking...well holy crap, did I have 4x4 all along and never noticed it because of a missing switch? haha. ...Then I saw no front differential or t-case, ha.

So if I purchase a gauge cluster off an XLS, and the switch for the Message Center...it might work? What does the message center look like? Anyone have a pic?
